We all know how grand Arpita Khan‘s wedding was. After all, she’s the doting beti of the Khandaan and her brothers, Salman, Arbaaz and Sohail Khan made sure that her marriage was nothing less than a memorable affair. The photographs of the opulent series of events were splashed across the internet and everyone wanted to know more and more about Arpita and Aayush Sharma‘s union.
But now, all that is history. Currently, what has caught the attention of many, is Aayush’s acting aspirations. Yes, it seems Aayush is rather keen on making his Bollywood debut. So it’s only natural that people are expecting him to foray into Hindi cinema with a film produced by Salman and directed by Sohail or Arbaaz. But that might not happen. This is what Arbaaz told Hindustan Times recently:
Just because he is associated with the family, it does not mean that the family is obliged to make a movie with him or to launch him. He wants to do things on his own. If we ever chance upon a script which needs him, we will take him. But he is open to working with other filmmakers and when he gets offers, he will take them up.
Hmm…it will be interesting to see who gives Aayush his first ticket to Bollywood.