Almost two years after her Bollywood debut in Chashme Baddoor, Taapsee Pannu is returning on celluloid with Baby. Though she has done a handful of movies down South in the interim period, and seen some good days, all her attention is currently on making it big in the world of Hindi films. While her debut movie by David Dhawan was a successful affair, she is all set to make it two in a row with Neeraj Pandey‘s Baby opposite Akshay Kumar.
She admits that there was a lot to learn from Neeraj when it came to storytelling but she also has a suggestion for him. What is it? Well, read on to find out.
“You know, he is such an intelligent man but I guess he doesn’t share his intelligence with us lesser mortals,” laughs Taapsee, “I just hope it gets better from here onwards, because sometimes you expect a person like him to open up and talk.”
Considering this Punjabi kudi from Delhi has a mind of her own, she obviously expected Neeraj Pandey being her director, to engage in more conversations!
“I wish we could all have any conversation with Neeraj sir, but he just doesn’t talk,” she smiles, “He is such an introvert that even when he speaks just a little bit, you get very intimidated and that is why the most he’ll say is two sentences. Sometimes, you have to go and ask him ‘Sir, are you sure I have done well? I hope I haven’t made any mistake? You need to keep assuring yourself.”
As for her presence in the film, she is happy to have bagged this one, early in her career.
“In a Neeraj Pandey film, women haven’t played many meaty characters. However in Baby there is so much to do. Moreover, with a cast like Akshay Kumar, Anupam Kher, Rana Daggubati, Danny Denzongpa and Kay Kay Menon, it turns out to be all the more superb. That in itself is rewarding enough!” says Taapsee before signing off.