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Have You Met Srimati Sexy Devi Yet?

Have You Met Srimati Sexy Devi Yet?

Shreemi Verma
Source: Twitter @SahilRiz

So I was scrolling through Twitter (hey, my job requires me to do that) and I stumbled across this incredible advertisement/pamphlet or whatever the cool people call it on my timeline. The creator of The Vigil Idiot, Sahil Rizwan retweeted it and my life changed when I saw Srimati Sexy Devi who is running for elections (which elections I don’t know, but if I could vote for her I wouldn’t think twice). Check it out.

Source: Twitter @SahilRiz

We’re in no way calling her un-sexy or even sexy for that matter. We just like her confidence because she’s not scared of calling herself sexy – she owns this shit.

For those lovelies who are unable to read hindi, this is where she calls herself sexy…

Source: Twitter @SahilRiz

You go girl!