Presenting us with a rather hairy outfit, Priyanka Chopra attended a party for Sanjay Leela Bhansali last evening. Clearly she’s feeling the chills as the temperature continues to drop in our otherwise humid city, so she wore something we don’t usually get to witness around this part of the country. In an embellished Alexander McQueen top and faux leather pants, PC threw on a fur gilet to keep warm.
Before you get your panties in a twist, we’re sure that was faux fur, and she completed the look with booties and berry red lips. She was styled by Ami Patel and of course, the songstress/actress came dressed like the rockstar she really is.
P.S. We’ve digging the haircut PeeCee! If you want to get it too, this guide will help you pick the right cut.
Pix: Viral Bhayani for MissMalini