Taylor Swift‘s Twitter and Instagram account were hacked on Tuesday by people who apparently love to create chaos on the Internet. The singer’s 51.4 million followers on Twitter saw as she gave shout outs to the Twitter account of The Lizard Squad – a known group of hackers. The mentioned account has now been suspended as Taylor notified the respective authorities about this hacking immediately.
Did you see the hashtag? Hackers gonna hack hack hack hack! I died.
She tweeted it too!
She’s hilarious! But that’s not all. The hackers tried to threaten Taylor Swift with this.
What they didn’t realise is that they were trying to threaten Taylor fu#$ing Swift. Her badass reply was everything you could ever want!
You go girl! The Lizard Squad’s Twitter and Instagram has now been suspended and Taylor has regained control of her social media. We just love this chic’s swag.