It’s Kristin Davis‘s birthday today, guys! Most of you know her as the wonderful Charlotte York from Sex And The City, and most of you (girls, primarily) must have allotted each character to each of your girlfriends (my friends think I’m a Carrie, but I chose to believe that I’m a Miranda). We’ve already listed down life lessons we learnt from the amazing Samantha Jones and the things only Carrie Bradshaw could get away with; now, in honour of Kristin’s birthday, here’s our list of signs that prove you’re the Charlotte of your group.
1) You are a hopeless romantic!

If your life isn’t a fairytale already, then you will make it happen!
2) You’re not too comfortable with sex jokes.

Especially the ones the Samantha of your group cracks!
3) No one believes in happy endings as much as you do!

Your positivity will make it happen and you will find your Harry!
4) There is a perfect guy somewhere, and you will find him!

She was prom queen, varsity cheerleader, track and field captain and a teen model for the love of God! Of course she’ll find the perfect man!
5) You believe in doing things the traditional way.

And you don’t care if that makes you sound like a prude.
6) Waiting for Mr. Right can stress you out a little bit though.

He’s waiting for you too, Charlotte.
7) Your friends are your soulmates!

The lifeline of Sex And The City was that the girls always had each other’s backs, so it was fitting that Charlotte said this iconic line!
8) You can be quite aggressive if someone you love gets hurt.

Don’t you dare Mr. Big, don’t you dare.
9) When you’re angry, your burns can be hotter than lava!

Told you to stay away, Big.
10) And finally, you are the best thing to happen to anyone who has met you!

Stay awesome Charlotte, Sex And The City would be bitter, cynical and horrible without you!