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Nargis Fakhri Has Started Carrying Her Poop With Her Everywhere She Goes!

Nargis Fakhri Has Started Carrying Her Poop With Her Everywhere She Goes!

Anushka Mulchandani
Source: Giphy.com

Yes, poop, you read correctly. Nargis Fakhri got a present the other day and it wasn’t a regular kind of present. Of course being the Instagram addict that she is, she put up a video…

Seems innocent enough, right? But that’s not all, it was followed by another video…

There is she, opening her present, all happy shiny. She’s taken a peek and she seems to love it! No she didn’t leave you hanging, there’s yet another video…

It’s Poo!!! Nikita, you really are the bestest! Nargis got some poo, she got some poo – everybody, sing along! And that’s how they became inseparable. Let the poo games begin…

Here she is, chilling like a villain – or like fecal.

Oh here’s another video, that poo must be exciting! Who needs a man?

They even travel together

And he mixed well with her work mates too

They loved him so much, they gave him a part in the ad shoot

Errbody loves Poo!