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NEWSFLASH: Indian Girls Masturbate Too! Take A Look. #GirlsDoItToo

NEWSFLASH: Indian Girls Masturbate Too! Take A Look. #GirlsDoItToo

Shreemi Verma
Source: YouTube.com

Hello fellow countrymen, let’s put this fact out in the open once and for all: girls/women masturbate; sorry let me rephrase, INDIAN girls/women masturbate – regularly! And if this statement still surprises you, then there’s thing called a reality check which you desperately need. If that reality check thing is too much, then have a look at this amazingly frank survey conducted by a YouTube channel called Nisheeth TV on one simple question – Do women masturbate? The answers given by the girls are wonderful!

Isn’t it refreshingly different to hear girls talk about their sexualtiy so openly? What do you think?