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14 REAL Stages Of Dealing With A Hangover!

14 REAL Stages Of Dealing With A Hangover!

Shreemi Verma
Source: Pinterest.com

Happy Saturday lovelies, I’m sure most of you got knackered the previous night (what to do, the week was like that only). I know I did, so I’ve decided to document the stages of dealing with a hangover, because why not? Feel free to express the emotions you go through when you’ve consumed too much of the good stuff as well!

1) The spinning head!

Source: Giphhy.com

What is happening, my eyes aren’t opening, the world is spinning, am I dying?

2) The acceptance of this spinning head.

Source: www.giphy.com

Alright, it’s because of last night.

3) Self- hatred.

Source: www.giphy.com

I’m turning 25! Why do I behave like I’m 17? Why?

4) Remembering the things you did last night.

Source: www.giphy.com


5) Throwing up.

Source: Giphy.com

Let it go… let it gooooo!

6) Trying to walk.

Source: Giphy.com

I had this wall in my house I had no idea about?

7) Drinking water/coconut water/Frooti, whatever floats your boat.

Source: Giphy.com

Man, this feels good.

8) Trying to eat but that sick feeling pops up again.

Source: www.giphy.com

You stare at that pizza and wonder, how your last night’s bestie (alcohol) could be horrible enough to make you feel sick even at the thought of eating a delicious pizza!

7) Sticking to water/coconut water/Frooti.

Source: www.giphy.com

Liquid diet, forever!

8) Crying.

Source: Giphy.com

Why me?

9) Canceling all the plans for the day!

Source: Giphy.com

Work? What’s that? Friends? Who are they? Life? Do I have any?

10) Promising yourself and proclaiming to the world about your decision to quit alcohol forever.

(Source: Giphy.com)

Not touching that Satan’s nectar!

11) Feeling disappointed when no one believes a word you say.

Source: Giphy | Lindsay Lohan

Whatevz, I’ll show them! Never. Drinking Again.

12) Realising that the stomach has started growling again!

Source: Giphy.com


13) Eating.

Source: www.giphy.com


14) And proceeding to make plans for the next day…

Source | Giphy.com}

… it’s the weekend after all guys!

Wondering what to drink or eat post hangover? Well, we’ve got you covered in that department as well.

10 Things You Should Definitely Eat/Drink While Nursing A Massive Hangover!

5 Best Hangover Cures For The Party Season!