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5 Ways To NOT Be A Clingy Girlfriend!

5 Ways To NOT Be A Clingy Girlfriend!

Madhuri Banerjee
My Clingy Girlfriend

My Clingy Girlfriend is a book about this Bengali boy in Mumbai who copes, mopes and hopes to find logic and reasoning with his clingy girlfriend. This sounds like something we’ve all dealt with (including clingy boyfriends) haven’t we? So, is your life like Obrokranti Banerjee, the protagonist of this novel? If you’re not sure about that, find out these 5 sure shot ways girls can stop being ‘clingy girlfriends‘, this applies to men too, FYI!

1. Stop Constant Questions!

Source: Tumblr

Where are you? When are you coming home? When are we meeting? What are you thinking? What are you planning for our anniversary? When should we meet? Why aren’t we getting married? The constant questions will make your boyfriend run from you faster than a deer from a lion. Maybe he doesn’t have all the answers. Maybe he needs some space. Give him time to call and chase you a bit. Keep the mystery alive.

2. Stop Going For His Boys Nights

(Source: Giphy.com)

He has a life beyond you. He has friends he likes to drink with. This is his support system! Stop landing up for his Boys Night Outs to spend time with him. Soon all his friends will hate you and ostracise him. And ultimately he’ll resent you. Give him that one night a week or month off to just enjoy himself and get sloshed, without you giving him grief the next day. He’ll love you more.

3. Stop Asking About Marriage

Overly attached (Source: Giphy.com)

Everyone wants to know where the relationship is going as soon as the third date is over. Some men don’t want to get married. It’s not that they’re commitment phobic, it’s just that they enjoy their space and freedom as much as they love you. Think about an alternate life with him if he’s not ready for marriage. Redefine your relationship. And if you truly want to get married and your ‘biological clock is ticking‘, then set a deadline and move on if he’s still not ready, instead of pushing him into it and regretting it later.

4. Stop Comparing

Source : Tumblr

Your best friend is getting married, another is going on a Europe tour with her boyfriend and another has been introduced to his parents. Instead of whining, demanding and comparing your relationship to others, realise what you have. Does he love you? Does he listen to you when you talk about your dreams? Does he give you space and support you? Does he look after you when you’re upset? Those are good things in a relationship. Treasure them and cherish him. Don’t demand him doing it all the time. Sometimes he doesn’t have the bandwidth to support, listen or love you. Doesn’t mean he can’t later. Give him time.

5. Stop Being Suspicious

Taylor Swift

He liked a girl’s photo on Facebook. He must be cheating on me! He is having a coffee with his old school friend. He’s probably cheating on me! He has a girl on his team at work?! He is definitely cheating on me! Stop getting suspicious. If you’re cool and easy about the girls in his life, he’ll appreciate it. But the more you lock him down about every female he’s spoken to, he’ll hate you. It’s ok to be possessive and a little jealous. Let him know how much you lust after him and hate it when anyone else does so too. By giving him space to make a choice, he’ll never want to leave you.