William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

Have you ever talked like the Bard of Avon? I mean William Shakespeare. I’m sure we’ve all fitted some thou and thee in our everyday language while we were studying his works! My favourite still being – “Where art thou?” LOL! Literature is actually the most liberal subject on the face of this earth. Literary eroticism has always gotten away from the societal norms. (Censor Board, are you listening?) Forget Judi Blume, Shakespeare was the real reason behind our sexual awakening as kids (except we didn’t realise it back then). Check out his 12 most erotic quotes:

1) “That’s a fair thought, to lie between maids’ legs.” – Hamlet

Nothing can be fairer, right?

2) “This is my lady’s hand these be her
very C’s, her U’s and (n) her T’s and thus makes she her great P’s.” – Twelfth Night

“N her T’s” Do the math!

3) “Then you live about her waist, or in the middle of her favors?”
“Faith, her privates we.” – Hamlet

Favors = legs!

4) “What, with my tongue in your tail?” – The Taming Of The Shrew

Just an innocent reference to cunnilinggus!

5) “Thou hast undone our mother.”
“Villain, I have done thy mother.” – Titus Andronicus

Waoh! Take it easy, bro!

6) “I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be
buried in thy eyes.” – Much Ado About Nothing

FYI, “to die in” referred to sexual climax.

7) “My cherry lips have often kissed thy stones.
Thy stones with lime and hair knit up in thee.” – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Balls, you say?

8) “I kiss the wall’s hole, not your lips at all!” – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

“Wall” refers to a person, BTW!

9) “She would hang on him,
As if increase of appetite had grown
By what it fed on” – Hamlet

Sexual “appetite.”

10) “She were an open arse, and thou a poperin pear” – Romeo And Juliet

“Popering pear” is an obsolete term for penis!

11) “Graze on my lips, and if those hills be dry
Stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie.” – Venus And Adonis

Some more oral!

12) “Flesh stays no further reason
But rising at thy name.” – Sonnet 151

Hard on!

I can’t even!