Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani‘s Excel Entertainment, which is producing Reema Kagti‘s Mr Chaloo, has filed a complaint with the Association of Motion Pictures And Television Program Producers against Saif Ali Khan. If you remember, Saif was first supposed to do the film, but left (apparently due to remuneration issues) and eventually ended up being replaced by Fawad Khan. However, it seems the actor didn’t return the 2 crore signing amount he had taken from them, and, as a result, the production house has now lodged an official complaint. It seems that this complaint was filed against Saif only after Excel reminded him to return the signing amount and he didn’t do it for whatever reason. Word has it that Saif has revealed to the association why he didn’t return the amount, but no information has been made public yet.
Neither Saif nor anyone from Excel has gone on record to speak about the situation, but word has it that they are trying to resolve everything very amicably. The association, however, has apparently not reached any verdict yet.
We’ll keep you updated as we know more!