Is that the first thought that crosses your mind when you’re in a social setting? If so, then don’t you worry because you’re not the only one. Trust me, there are many of us out there who get anxious right as we enter a place that needs socializing – NO MATTER how prepared you are. Your “bring-it-on-brain” is a blank slate!

Here are 7 awkward situations we’ve all had to deal with in social settings:
1) When you hug the right person the wrong way
Yes, we get it – your relationship must be very good. But sometimes when we make an intimate gesture such as a hug, the other person is not necessarily ready for it with the same intensity.

2) When you get too close for comfort
Yes, some places are filled with people. And we – unintentionally – do things that are too close for comfort.

3) When you show too much affection for someone you meet for the first time
They might be your partner’s closest friends and you might feel like you know them already from all that your partner has told you about them. But hey, you’re still not their friend, so keep that pally behaviour in check!

4) When someone tries to talk to you but your mouth is full
You might try to “avoid” people, but people don’t avoid you. That awkward moment when you’re devouring that scrumptious meal and someone comes over to talk to you (even worse when it’s someone cute!) OOPS!

5) When even a little attention might lead you to a nervous breakdown
There are some people who just can’t handle so much attention – for real. We are like that, you can’t change it. And at EVERY social setting, you make just one wish…

6) When you don’t really know how to eat a particular dish
That time when something on your plate looks so delicious, you have no idea what it is or how to eat it, but you jump for it anyway.

7) When your dancing skills are quite amateurish compared to the rest
You get on the dance floor to groove to the jam… but much to your dismay, it’s just not your scene.

But you know what, you might not have to deal with this anymore. Because here is Femina Believe to your rescue with their workshop that’ll help you enhance your social skills. You can visit their website, or check them out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
This post is in partnership with Femina Believe.