Femina Believe

Femina Believe

Femina Believe

Femina Believe

Femina Believe

Femina Believe
Femina Believe hosted a fun brunch and a dining etiquette workshop at Hakkasan and obviously, my office sent me to represent Team MissMalini because no one eats as much as I do. You can see my size and figure that out, of course. But yep, as excited as I was to go, I couldn’t go alone because my social skills are as bad as my ability to do maths, so I took my mom along.

Look so happy the Vermas’ look when it comes to eating!
Anyway, so the brunch began with an interesting session on dining etiquette all over the world. Interesting trivia like the French don’t believe in going dutch or the Japanese people find it disrespectful if we leave a tip. We even learnt complicated stuff like this –

All the bloggers also learnt how to use chopsticks without looking like an embarrassment to society.

To show our chopsticking skills (yes, chopsticking is a word I just made) we were also made to play a game – the game of picking peanuts. I’m not making this up!

But it was fun and that’s what matters!
Hakkasan being the great hosts that they are, treated us to a three course meal which totally gave us a food coma, just look at all the food!

Seriously, overeating is the best way to die. Isn’t it?

At the end of the day, all of us were well fed, well watered (with all that Sangria) and well learned (about dining etiquette if nothing else).

So, all I want to say on my and my mom’s behalf is thank you Femina Believe, you really made my Saturday noon better than my Saturday night, and that’s saying something!
For more details, follow Femina Believe on Facebook, Twitter or check out their website.
This post is in partnership with Femina Believe.