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Just Broke Up With Somebody? Here Are 7 Things You Must Do

Just Broke Up With Somebody? Here Are 7 Things You Must Do

Rashmi Daryanani
Sadda Haq

There’s no getting around it: breaking up with someone is the worst. Even when you saw it coming or even when you initiated it or even when you’re kind of a little bit relieved, there are still a lot of bad feelings you have to make your way through before you can feel good again. The good news, though, is that no matter how bad a break-up, you can take steps towards feeling better right now. You may not feel great immediately, or even for a while, but the point here is to just feel a little bit better than you did before. And by taking steps towards feeling better and better with each day, you’ll finally reach a point when you’re okay again!

So if you’ve just gone through a bad break-up and are looking for some relief, here are 9 things you can do to cope with it:

1. Cry if you have to

Source: http://i.imgur.com/

Immediately following a break-up, you may feel the need to “keep it together” and appear like you’re completely sorted. But if you’re one of those people who need to cry, then let yourself cry! Take a day off, spend it in bed, cry. Get it out now so it doesn’t build up and explode later at an inopportune time.

2. Hide your ex from social media profiles

photo courtesy giphy.gif

Unfriend your ex if you can, but if you really don’t want to – or don’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that you need to take them off social media for your own sanity – then at least ensure they don’t show up on your feeds. Unfollow them on Facebook (they’ll still be on your list, just won’t show up on your timeline) and mute them on Twitter. That way, you’re still ‘friends’, and if you reallyreallyreally need to stalk them one day, you can when you’re mentally prepared for it. That’s a lot better than suddenly coming across something you don’t want to see while you’re at work.

3. Download a bunch of new songs

Source: giphy.com

The biggest problem with music is that each song is attached to a different feeling or memory. Avoid triggering feelings by downloading a whole bunch of new songs – ask your friends for recommendations! – so that you have a completely new playlist to listen to.

4. Marathon that show

We all have that one television show we’ve been planning on watching but haven’t gotten around to doing. Now’s a great time – it’s low-intensity, will keep your mind occupied, and will provide enough entertainment so you don’t just lie in bed at night missing your ex.

5. Work out

Parineeti Chopra

I know, I know, working out can be a chore and that’s not something you want to deal with when your heart is broken. But working out gives you a sense of purpose, gives you an immediate mood boost thanks to endorphins, keeps you busy so you’re not constantly thinking about your relationship, and over time will lead to changes in your body that you’ll be proud of. Hello, ego boost!

6. Read motivational books

Year of Yes

The silver lining in a break up is always the chance to reinvent yourself a little and start a new chapter in your life. A great way to get enthusiastic about this is to read a few motivational books. Even if they’re not strictly about getting over a break-up, they can still help you deal with it: by reminding you that your focus should always be you! As a starting point, try reading books like The Power or The Magic (both sequels to The Secret and much, much better books than the original), The Year Of Yes (Shonda Rhimes), The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz), You Are A Badass (Jen Sincero), etc.

7. Start a new project

It could be joining a new dance class or starting #100HappyDays on Instagram or becoming obsessed with trying out every smoothie recipe on the planet. Point is, the sense of purpose and the idea of doing something new will help.

Remember, you may not be okay immediately, but you will get better: it’ll take you some time to rise again, but it will happen. This is what’s happening to Sanyukta on season 2 of Sadda Haq – she’s no longer with the love of her life, but she’s determined to emerge stronger. Take a look at the promo below:

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SaddaHaq Season 2Even in your darkest hour, you can always find some hope! Watch #Sanyukta rise like a phoenix in #SaddaHaq Season 2!

Posted by Channel [v] India on Thursday, January 7, 2016

This post is in partnership with Channel V.