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This Model Is Receiving Dick Pics (And Reacting Like A Boss)

This Model Is Receiving Dick Pics (And Reacting Like A Boss)

Rashmi Daryanani
Emily Sears (Source: Twitter @tweetemilysears)

I don’t think I will ever, ever understand why men think it’s a good idea to send unsolicited dick pics. Do they really think women are going to find it hot? What’s the rationale behind it?!?

Well, a recent post on BuzzFeed News caught our eye, and it’s making us pretty happy: LA-based model Emily Sears has been receiving unsolicited dick pics on social media from random strangers for a very long time. And finally, she decided to do something real about it. One day, Emily started notifying the girlfriends of these men about what’s been happening. She does this by clicking on the guy’s profile, seeing if he has a partner, and then shooting a message off to this person.

Emily says she’s doing it because it “provides accountability” that people lose online because they’re hiding behind some form of anonymity. She also told BuzzFeed:

I get messages from men who say we’re ‘sluts who are asking for it’, which can get pretty overwhelming. But I truly believe its a huge social problem reflecting the attitude many men have towards women and I want to keep trying to fight against it.

And while she doesn’t always receive a response from the girlfriend/wife, it seems like it’s been helping some people:
