Personally, I would love for pick-up lines to be a ‘thing’. I feel like we’re losing out on a generation of funny stories because we are condemning pick-up lines so much. I know I know… I would never even look at a guy who tries one on me either. But I don’t know, I feel like there’s some novelty to the concept that deserves to be explored.
Here are 5 pick-up lines that are so bad they’re good!
1. Hey girl, are you from Jamaica? Because Jamaican me crazy!

I mean, come on!
2. Hey girl. if you were a fruit, you’d be a finnneeee-apple!

Okay then!
3. Hey girl, are you a parking ticket? Because you got fine written all over you!

Don’t lie… you’re smiling a little.
4. Hey girl, do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte!

Take my heart, already!
5. Hey girl, are you a cake? Because I wanna piece of that!

Okay. Maybe not this one.
That’s the thing with pick-up lines: If you can’t pull it off with enough comic flare, you are going to bomb bad! That’s why this Valentine’s Day leave the comedy to the experts. TrulyMadly has organized a perfect date for you with edgy stand=up comedy at Starbucks with food and drinks on the house. What you waiting for? Click here to download the TrulyMadly app for all the details!
This post is in partnership with TrulyMadly.