Oh hello, don’t mind me I’m just sitting here in my office in the sky planning my New York Fashion Week itinerary with Maybelline because makeup is AWESOME! And oh btw, beauty maverick extraordinaire – Elton Fernandez is waiting for me on the other side of this jaunt with the entire Maybelline Fit Me range and more to get me ramp-side ready! (How is this my life again?!)
Anyway, I just wanted to take a quick moment (before I dive back into binge watching the latest flicks, as you do on flights with no WiFi) to tell you what my plans are and that you can follow ALL the action on Facebook, Twitter + Instagram with the hashtag #MaybellineAtFashion Week + #MNYFW and of course I’ll snapchat you later so follow #MissMaliniSnaps too! xoxo

Day 1 – Feb 11th
Straight chilling after a 24 hour long prep & journey; let me recap:
10:00pm – 01:30am: (The previous night) I partied pretty late at One Street Over & Monkey Bar thanks to Nowshie’s anniversary surprise… #IloveYouGuys!
02:00am – 04:00am: Airport shenaningans and crashed on the flight to Dubai.
*now very confused about time zones*
07:00am – 10:00am: Ate everything in sight at the Etihad premium lounge and charged my phone. OH! How cool is it that you can now go through US immigration right here at Abu Dhabhi airport to save the crazy queues in JFK… IF you’re flying Etihad! I love that the officer at passport control that I asked about it simply said, “yeah, it’s just something we’re trying to see how it works, so what’s the name of your blog again?”
15 epic hours in bidness class later…
*now even MORE confused about time zones*
16:30pm: Hello Amrika, I have arrived. F*ck it’s cold. But I get to wear the cutests collection of winter wear EVER so I’m excited! #FTW super stylist @Marvinabox
lost bags ever arrive from Bombay *sniff* – I’m looking at you Jet & Etihad Airways!
Hence: SUPER happy to read that my itinerary says “nowhere you have to be on this day.” Plan to check in and chill out! Dream Midtown, I hope your pillows are soft like clouds…
Day 2 – Feb 12th
FINALLY get to use the #IwokeUpLikeThis hashtag all week courtesy Mabelline ambassador Elton Fernandez who’s giving me my Maybelline look of the day erryday, yay! (And giving me gossip every night.)
16:30pm – 21:00pm: The Penthouse at Milk Studios, Maybelline NYFW Media Lounge. I’m so curious to see what the vibe is like at the fashion week lounges over in NYC! Because if the people-watching is already so epic back in the bay, you can just imagine what it’s like in New York City! I’m also hoping to catch makeup artist Carolina Dani for a quick tip or two!
21:00pm: The Gallery at The Dream Downtown. AFTERPARTY! (A fashion week that STARTS with an afterparty. I like it!) This is the Maybelline official NYFW Party and I CANNOT wait!
There will be pictures, make sure you’re following me on Facebook Live & Periscope too.
Day 3 – Feb 13th
Ready! Steady! NYC!
09:00am – 1200pm: Very kicked about my New York City walkabout with Elton (Periscoping all the way, go on follow @MissMalini!) So stay tuned for our #kissesfromnewyork xoxo
PS. If you can guess what Maybelline products Elton used on me you get to win goodies too, so don’t miss my look of the day with deets on Instagram *hint hint* 😛
13:00pm -15:00pm: PLUS I get to interview Jourdan Dunn!
16:15pm – 16:30pm: The Dock at Moynihan Station, Backstage access before the BAJA EAST fashion show. Gonna meet the global Maybelline make-up artist Yadim!
16:00pm – 19pm: FYI follow the Maybelline Snapchat handle cos I’m taking it over for a whole three hours! Prepare for emoji overload!!! #Addicted #VirtualStickers
18:00pm: The BAJA EAST fashion show. Woot! Woot!
Day 4 – Feb 14th
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY in advance my beautiful people!
10:15am – 10:30: The Gallery at Skylight Clarkson, Backstage before the Derek Lam fashion show & interaction with make-up artist Tom Pecheux!
12:00pm: The Derek Lam fashion show.
13:00pm: Skylight at Moynihan, Noon by Noor fashion show.
21:00pm: Jonathon Simkhai after party at Up and Down!
Day 5 – Feb 15
10:00am – 18:00pm: New York Walkabout Day 2 with the fabulous Elton Fernandez! I’m SO excited to rock out my winter gear that I NEVER get to show off in our tropical climate! Eskimo #kissesfromnewyork :*
18:00pm: Homeward bound! Next stop Bombay, darlings. To prep for Amazon India Fashion Week! Coming? #NoRestForTheWicked