New photos of Game Of Thrones season 6 are out and one thing caught our attention. No, it wasn’t the lack of Jon Snow (we’re sure he’s coming back, I mean he HAS to!). But something to do with the most tortured Stark kid, and that’s saying something, because the surviving Starks are not really having the time of their lives. Anyway, the latest photos show Sansa with a hint of a baby bump, or is that just the way she’s standing or did she have access to a lot of lemon cakes? Have a look at the photo and tell us.

If you don’t remember the events of last season, Sansa and Theon had escaped from Winterfell where Sansa’s husband, Ramsay Bolton would brutally rape her every night. They killed off his lover Miranda and jumped off from the outskirts of the castle.

Seeing these photos it looks like they’ve survived, but is that a baby bump? What do you think? Tell us in the comments below.
If you’re wondering where to watch your favourite show’s latest season, tune in to Star World Premiere HD on 26th April, 2016.