It’s that time of the year when we go all out for that one person we’ve shared great moments with. But when it comes to men, it’s not very easy to find the perfect gift that makes them feel loved. Either the fit isn’t right, or their tastes have changed… You get the drift right? Well, without further ado, we give you 6 designers on Exclusively.com who bring you the best in gifting for your better half this Valentine’s day.
1. Nappa Dori’s cool notebooks
For the quintessential sweet, nerdy guy, the simple collection of notebooks from Nappa Dori can really make him feel like you love him for who he is, and his way of life! Here’s a cute tip: Put a small love note on the first page of the notebook. That way it’ll always remind him of you and your thoughtfulness (Scores extra brownie points!)

Nappa Dori notebook for Exclusively.com

Nappa Dori notebook for Exclusively.com

Nappa Dori notebook for Exclusively.com
2. Shirts from Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna
Ladies, you can never go wrong gifting a crisp formal shirt to your guy. They might say they have many shirts but we all know how badly they need them in their wardrobe. When it comes to picking the right one, check out Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna‘s collection. It’ll make you want to order one for yourself too!

Rohit Gandhi Rahul Khanna for Exclusively.com

Rohit Gandhi Rahul Khanna for Exclusively.com

Rohit Gandhi Rahul Khanna for Exclusively.com
Buy here.
3. Cuff-links from Ikka Dukka
Cuff-links are the most incredible gift if your man is a ‘suit-up’ kind of a guy. And Ikka Dukka has just the right, and most quirky ones for you. So, give his creative side a chance and gift him these poptastic pieces!

Ikka Dukka for Exclusively.com

Ikka Dukka for Exclusively.com

Ikka Dukka for Exclusively.com
Buy here.
4. Vintage wallets from Samant Chauhan
When it comes to men, they are extremely picky with wallets. Samant Chauhan‘s collection of leather wallets have that vintage vibe that is sure to make your guy praise you for your choice!

Samant Chauhan for Exclusively.com

Samant Chauhan for Exclusively.com

Samant Chauhan for Exclusively.com
5. Kurtas from Siddartha Tytler
Nothing beats a man dressed in a kurta. With modern prints and a flattering colour palette, these pieces are just the right kind of desi swag your man needs. Siddartha Tytler‘s collection is just the right ethnic choice he’d love to flaunt for the next Indian wedding.

Siddartha Tytler

Siddartha Tytler

Siddartha Tytler
Buy here.
6. Watches from Jaipur Watch Company
The gift of time is the greatest gift of all. And Jaipur Watch Company’s collection is basically epic. Go in for a smart watch if you want to break the clutter of gifts he has got in his life. Plus, this signifies your bond is timeless! Awww!

Jaipur Watch Comapny for Exclusively.com

Jaipur Watch Comapny for Exclusively.com

Jaipur Watch Comapny for Exclusively.com
Buy here.
So quit being confused and pick the gift that suits his personality. We guarantee Valentine’s Day will be the best ever!
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