Do you think our Monday morning would be complete without taking about the Kardashians? Yeah, didn’t think so too. The amount I keep up with the Kardashians as compared to my own family is unimaginable. And after Kanye West‘s Yeezy show at NYFW, we figured there would be a few similar outfits we could spot on these sisters at some point in time. Turns out we were right!
Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner may have 17 years between them, but trust me, they could pass off as twins! First we spotted King Kylie in an all black jumpsuit with a long red jacket looking fly as hell. (Before her pink hair of course)
And as if they needed to have more in common, Kimmy took to Instagram with a picture of her dressed really similar to Kylie just the next day! In a tight black cropped jumpsuit with a long, red fur coat, paired with tan lace-up stiletto boots and a black baseball cap over her hair, Kim could pass off as Kylie’s twin. Well, they are sisters after all!
We’re also not sure how we feel about her new blonde hair. But one thing’s for sure, these sisters have wayy too much in common!
For more outfit looks of Kim and Kylie, check this out.