JK Rowling
JK Rowling

Harry Potter author JK Rowling is one sassy woman, and her latest tweet proves just that! The writer, who has been in the midst of a Twitter controversy of sorts, replied to Scottish author Kevin Williamson with one badass response:

A+ pun, Rowling. A+.

The whole controversy started when Scottish MP Natalie McGarry accused Harry Potter author JK Rowling of bullying and “supporting a misogynist Twitter troll” – something that didn’t go over too well with JKR.

The issue, it seems, was McGarry posting a screenshot of JKR replying ‘good man’ to an offensive tweet from a certain Twitter account. However, Rowling had said that in response to the tweeter making a donation to her charity, and not any other tweet, as the screenshot had made it look.

This dragged for some time like this – with JKR demanding an apology and threatening legal action – until McGarry apologised:

Kevin Williamson then responded to McGarry, saying that she shouldn’t apologise – which prompted Rowling’s punny response.
