Brace yourselves, ladies! As Neerja’s promotions are coming to an end, you’re not going to see this much of Sonam Kapoor for a little while. But before that river of daily style stops flowing, take a look at one of her last few promotional outfits. She was at a screening of the movie last evening and we’ve taken quite a liking to her earrings.

Rhea Kapoor styled her in a Rashmi Varma fringe detail salwar suit with earrings to match. Now the boho girl in me would wear just one of those earrings with the hippiest outfit I own, but with Sonam’s suit, both is probably the best way to do it. Here’s a full length.

Hmm, now imagine her moving those fringe danglers from side to side – hypnotising, right?

P.S. Read our Neerja review here.