Yuvraj Singh is now engaged to Bodyguard actress Hazel Keech. They will soon be getting married but they haven’t revealed a wedding date yet.
They were recently at an event where Hazel was talking to the media and Yuvraj was standing right behind her.
He made funny faces as she talked:
Exclusively -LOVELY couple @YUVSTRONG12 @hazelkeech at 2nd anniversary of Bazaar bribe magazine @venkivenkatesan pic.twitter.com/Q4JtQ8ot4i“
— YuviSärävänän (@Yuvisaravanan88) February 19, 2016
Hazel watched the video and tweeted saying:
Excuse me @YUVSTRONG12 I didn’t know you were making faces behind me!!!! https://t.co/zkC1jaeM3P
— Hazel Keech (@hazelkeech) February 20, 2016