Guess Who?
Guess Who?

This A-list actress is known to be Bollywood’s gossip girl. She often knows scandalous gossip about all the people who matter in B-town, that’s why dinner invitations at her place are highly coveted. This actress often keeps updating her inner circle of friends with embarrassing developments in the lives of famous people via WhatsApp. At a recently held dinner, she encouraged her younger contemporary to talk about her latest hit movie which changed the course of her career, while she and her friend laughed behind this actress’s back. The naive junior excitedly revealed that the public now referred to her as ‘India’s daughter’ and was completely oblivious to the set-up. She became the butt of many jokes in the senior actress’s friend circle and the whole thing was narrated over to the other friends who couldn’t make it for the dinner that fateful night. Her people had a great laugh over this young girl’s inflated sense of worth.

This sounds eerily like the script of Bheja Fry, doesn’t it?