Gurmeet Choudhary and Sana Khan | Source: YouTube
Gurmeet Choudhary and Sana Khan | Source: YouTube

Gurmeet Choudhary and Sana Khan‘s intimate scenes in the trailer of Wajah Tum Ho have been the talk of telly town for a while, giving way to rumours about trouble in Gurmeet and wife Debina Bonnerjee‘s relationship. However, it seems like these scenes weren’t easy to shoot, owing to Sana’s unique belief. As per a report in Times of India, the actress doesn’t like anyone near her once she’s dressed up and in her costume.

Here’s what she reportedly said:

It’s a stupid phobia I’ve always had — even my friends are wary of coming near me when I’m dressed for a shoot or an event. I hate creases on my costumes. The film has a few romantic songs, which required us to get intimate. I’d irritate Guru by saying, ‘Don’t come too close to me, I don’t want to get bronzer on my costume or spoil my curls’. He had a tough time putting up with me. Of course, I kept aside my worries and had a great time shooting.

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