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5 Resolutions Every 20 Something Girl Should Make This 2017

5 Resolutions Every 20 Something Girl Should Make This 2017

Divya Rao

This year – 2016 – for some reason has been a very tumultuous one – not just for me, but for the rest of the world too. Globally, politically, economically, personally – 2016 has managed to have made its presence felt in every sphere. But fret not because there’s some good news. 2017 is right around the corner, giving you a brand new chance to renew your life and change those habits that hold you back. Here are five resolutions that every 20 something girl must make this year.

1. Travel

This 2017, save and set aside some money solely dedicated to travelling. It’s a great way to explore the world, meet new people, and open your mind to fresh way of life. If you didn’t like history and geography in school, that’s about to change because this is the best way to learn about different cultures and the history behind them – all in person. If you’re up for it, definitely try going on a solo trip. It’s an incredibly liberating experience and who knows, you might just be more in tune with yourself by the time you’re back. You know what they say – you’re not a tree, so move!

PS – You never have to worry about exchanging your money while on vacation because WesternUnion.com has got your back. Transfer and exchange services in travel are now hassle free thanks to them.

2. Work On Your Fitness


I’m sure this is one resolution all of us make every year, only to completely forget about it two months into the new year. But remember that losing weight and getting fit won’t get any easier as you grow older. Plus, the way you maintain and take care of your body now will inadvertently affect how you look and feel as you grow older. This is your prime time, look it!

3. Make Your Own Decisions

Credit: Pinterest.com

Our parents have stood by us through thick and thin, have made decisions for us since we were little – which school we go to, which classes we take, what we eat, when we sleep, everything. But it’s time you rely on your gut and life experiences and make your own choices from now on. Remember though, you will be solely responsible for the consequences of your choices and you need to be ready to deal with them, like an adult. Have a little more faith in yourself and trust your natural instincts.

4. Spend More Time With Your Family

Healthy happy family

I get it. You’re at a very important phase in your career, and getting that promotion or that dream job means everything to you right now. But with all the chaos around you, don’t forget to take time out for those closest to you aka family. They’ll support you through every step of the way and you must thank them by making time for them. Your parents aren’t getting younger and you’re not getting less busier any time soon. So, the sooner you learn to balance your professional and personal life, the more fulfilling your time will be.

5. Read – Focus On Gaining Knowledge

Credit: Pinterest.com

Read and learn more about the world we live in. Have an opinion on the things that matter, and even on the things that don’t matter. You will be surprised to know how many people are absolutely clueless on the happenings of the world. It’s easy to get caught up with your own lives and live in a little shell. Break out of it and challenge yourself every now and then.

Lastly, don’t forget to stay happy and keep smiling. Have a happy 2017! 🙂

This post is in partnership with WesternUnion.com