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5 Ways To Go Green With Your Beauty Routine

5 Ways To Go Green With Your Beauty Routine

Rashmi Bhosale
Happy Earth Day | Source: www.giphy.com

Though we are already part of the green moment in some ways, we wanted to talk about something special for Earth Day! After some research, we came across these simple and small steps that we can include in our beauty routine to go green. Here they are:

1. Heatless Curls

Save electricity by going heat-less. This technique is very easy, efficient to save the energy and ensures a good hair day for sure! The steps are simple to execute too. Damp your hair, curl small sections of your hair with fingers and either pin them after curling or take all these damp curls together and tie-up.  Use a bandana or a wide cloth to cover your hair and let it rest for the night. Once, you wake up, open the curls and hand comb through them. Set the style with a hairspray. Voila! You have nice wavy mane for the day.

Heatless Curls | Source: www.giphy.com

2. Don’t Keep The Tap Running

This simple step saves litres of water! Make sure you close the tap before you start foaming the face wash onto the skin or before scrubbing. Also, there are rinse-free facial wipes available that remove the buildup, gently exfoliate and use less water. Win-win!

Save Water | Source: www.giphy.com

3. Eco-friendly Products

There are many companies who have started taking steps towards environment-friendly initiatives. With makeup brushes crafted from sustainable materials to cruelty-free products, include them in your vanity more frequently.

Ecotools | Image Source: www.ecotools.com

4. Reuse. Reduce. Recycle.

Oldie but goodie. Of course, it is also valid for makeup. There are many ways to go about it:

Reuse- This is when you accidently drop your eyeshadow palette or foundation cake. Remove the cracked pieces and restore them in another container.

Reduce- Use a straw to sip on water, so you don’t have to retouch your lipstick several times or use one lipstick as blush and eyeshadow too. Options are many! Pick your way to go green.

Recycle- There are brands like MAC and Origins who accept empty makeup containers. Try to go for brands that believe in recycling.

Reuse. Reduce. Recycle | Source: www.giphy.com

5. Go Natural

Easiest and close to nature, exfoliate your skin with natural ingredients like lemon juice or papaya peel. How is this helping nature? Well think about the packaging, we have biodegradable products here!

Natural | Source: www.giphy.com

We’re taking baby steps by including these ways in our routine one-at-a-time. Which one will you include in your beauty regime and go green? Let us know in the comments below. Happy Earth Day!