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10 Fashion Resolutions Every Girl Should Make In 2018

10 Fashion Resolutions Every Girl Should Make In 2018

Rashmi Bhosale

By this time most of our resolutions have petered out to just a few that we can keep up with. So, it’s a good time to make up for them with fashion resolutions that you can ease into your daily routine seamlessly. Right? So, here you go, pick the ones that will help you enhance your personal style the most.

1. Invest In Key Essentials

It might seem like a no-brainer, but we can’t stress how important it is to stock your wardrobe with key essentials. A white shirt, denim jeans that fit you right, a pair of tailored trousers, a tank top, comfy flats and stylish heels, to name a few, are elements that make a good OOTD.

2. Try One New Trend

Dare yourself to step out of your comfort zone by trying that one trend you’ve always wished you had the guts to. You never know, you might become the trailblazer people follow on and offline *winks*.

3. Plan Your Outfit The Night Before

In the social media world where OOTDs are trending and our Instagram is focused on a theme, it becomes a necessity to plan your outfits. Even if that’s not true for you, planning your ensemble a night prior sets your day off on a good note. It’s one less thing you won’t have to worry about when you’re racing to get to work.

4. Clean Out Your Closet

We admit it’s hard letting go of things. Get the ideas like ‘I might wear this top for…’ or ‘This trend is gonna come back for sure’ out of your head. Instead, if you haven’t worn an item in last one year, then let go, donate or recycle your clothes. The perks are, you’ll make room in your closet for new clothes. Now, this takes us to the next resolution.

5. Pledge To Stay Organised

It’s not just about an organised closet but organised shopping! A well-maintained wardrobe is easier to navigate and will help you achieve resolution No. 3.

Give yourself targets when shopping and stick to it. Then create a list of needs and wants and set a budget. Purchase only what you need first and then if you are under your budget, indulge in your want list.

6. Invest Wisely

Here, we are talking about the items that you can’t do without on day-to-day basis. Yes, we are talking about the utilitarian as well as stylish details of our outfits. A good, sturdy leather bag, a nice jacket, a watch, a good pair of regular shoes; all of these are something you wouldn’t want to hold back the bucks on.

7. Buy Lingerie That Makes You Feel Sexy

Buy sexy lingerie for no one to see but yourself. Also, good undergarments create a good base for outfits. So, it will make you feel not only sexy but also confident.

8. Find A Reliable Tailor

A well-fitted garment does wonders for your silhouette, but finding a reliable tailor isn’t easy. Don’t jump from one tailor to another at the first go. Experiment with a few silhouettes and then make your decision. When you find the one, never let go!

9. Avoid Fast Fashion

Most of us don’t really know what fast fashion is, but we are the major consumers of it. Fast fashion is when brands immediately adopt runway trends and produce them for the masses. It is quickly hampering not only the natural resources but also human resources on a larger scale. So, one of our resolutions is to not heavily depend on fast fashion brands. Instead, opt for brands that work towards sustainable fashion.

10. Develop Your Personal Style

Trying to figure out which peg you fit in? Well, experiment and try developing your personal style. Understand what you are comfortable with and observe what flatters you the most. Slowly and steadily, you’ll be on the right track.

Which one of these are you going to add to your resolutions for the year? Let us know in the comments below.

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