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9 Weird Food Combinations That Might Pleasantly Surprise You

9 Weird Food Combinations That Might Pleasantly Surprise You

Atmaj Vyas

There is no denying that junk food is the best invention ever! We love eating these delicious, unhealthy (but still delicious) and outright killer stuff. Over the years, junk food has also developed. New and innovative ways and unique combinations have uplifted the junk food scene. That being said, we have also seen some rather odd or downright weird combinations that left us thinking: What the actual f@#k! With that in mind, here are 10 really strange junk food combos that might just do it for your taste buds.

1. Butter Chicken & Szechuan Fried Rice

On most occasions, mixing Indian and Continental food is basically asking for a stomach explosion. This unity, however, is actually surprisingly tasty. The spicy Szechuan fried rice mixed with the slightly sweeter butter chicken makes for an odd, but harmonious blend.

Idea Rating: 8/10

2. French Fries And Nutella

Shocked? So were we! This weird combination of sweet and salty actually works. Albeit Nutella lovers think it tastes good with everything, this one is kinda a hit or miss. We all love french fries (french fries are life!), so combining it with anything other than peri-peri may seem fishy, but we can kinda vouch for this one. Give it a try!

Idea Rating: 6/10

3. Chicken Scoop Soup

We totally just came up with that name btw! You know that pleasant and calm feeling when you have a nice bowl of soup? Well, why not dip some chicken lollipops into it? This combination takes two soul foods and mixes it in a rather soggy-but-delicious kinda way. While on paper this might sound atrocious, it’s actually not that bad (if you’re drunk, even better).

Idea Rating: 4/10

4. Chocolate Margarita With Fresh Fruits

Hot chocolate sauce and a plain cheese pizza (don’t scream just yet), with fresh strawberry toppings and pomegranate. Before you vomit in your mouth, this weird combination is a real thing. Apparently, pizzas with fresh fruits can taste quite interesting. The chocolate sauce part we aren’t too sure about. But then again, we live in such crazy times, right?

Idea Rating: 3/10 (We are partial to things that f@#k pizzas up)

5. Wada Pav With Honey

Can’t imagine this combination? Neither could we! But in all honesty, this one is actually tried and tested (tasted too). It’s actually something you’ve just got to eat. If you’re not a fan of sweet things, it could be a bummer.

Idea Rating: 9/10

6. Chocolate Coated Bhajiyas

Now, this, on the other hand, isn’t such a harmonious balance. Well, that’s just our opinion though! It should be noted that with maybe a lighter layer of chocolate or a side serving of chocolate sauce, this could have worked better.

Idea Rating: 6/10

7. Dessert Paan

Yes, this exists and it’s ah-ma-zing! With the options varying from Oreo to marshmallow, it’s ought be a treat for the ones with a sweet tooth. Not to mention, it also brings a fresh new perspective to paan.

Idea Rating: 10/10

8. Kebabs In A Sweet Bun Mixed With Peanut Butter

Did you just gasp? This combination was actually suggested to us. So we decided to try this and honestly, it worked. The spicey kebabs went beautifully with the wholesome taste of the peanut butter. The addition of the of the sweet buns only made this all the better. Chicken or mutton, both taste good!

Idea Rating: 7/10

9. Magic Masala With Vanilla Ice cream

No one can eat just one, right? It’s true for this combination. Taking the famous Lays Magic Masala, and combining it with a spoon full of vanilla ice cream isn’t as barf-fueled as you’d imagine. There is a weird balance between the spicey and sweet flavours of the two. Is it harmonious? Maybe not, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying it if you’re intrigued.

Idea Rating: 6/10

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten? Let us know in the comments below!

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