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Celebrity Slam Book: 8 Random Things You Didn’t Know About Mallika Dua

Celebrity Slam Book: 8 Random Things You Didn’t Know About Mallika Dua

Atmaj Vyas

We caught up with the queen of comedy, Mallika Dua to see if we could fish out some information that most people probably didn’t know about her. What ensued were things that were both hilarious and totally relatable! Here are 8 things, we’re pretty sure you didn’t know about this hilarious and extremely talented comedienne.

1. She’s actually a very shy person

Shocking right? We were just as surprised! Well, she might be a shy person but that doesn’t change the fact that she knows how to command attention. All eyes on the queen.

2. She gets very anxious while calling for a cab

Relateable AF! Sometimes dealing with these cabbies can be a bit of a struggle. Either way, we think it would be hilarious if she called for a cab, while still in character.

3. Given the choice, she would rather sleep in

The eternal struggle of getting out of bed is not lost on her. Mallika actually loves to sleep.

4. She hates black olives

Now that’s an interesting detail. One you really shouldn’t forget either!

5. She loves wearing hair extensions

Yes, queen! Life without hair extensions is dull and boring and we all know Mallika is anything but that.

6. She’s been trained in Indian classical music since she was 4

Does her list of talents actually end? Can’t help but be impressed with this one. We would indeed love to hear her sing some day.

7. She actually wanted to be an astronaut

Yep, that’s right, she really did want to be an astronaut. But then she realised that she had to study a lot for that, so that plan quickly went out the window.

8. Her dream is to make enough money and settle down in Bhutan

Considering she is always in the public eye, we don’t know how this is possible. But, what she actually wants is to settle down in this beautiful and scenic little country, away from all the madness.

Well, more power to the queen of comedy! We’re still in awe of how charming Mallika Dua really is.

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