We’re all aware of the harmful effects global warming has on earth. This is destroying everything on our planet from the atmosphere to the animals living on it. This World Environment Day, let’s pledge to do our bit and restore our planet as per our capability. As it is rightly said, one small action can make a lot of difference.

1. Grow Plants Or Maintain A Garden
As we all know, trees give out oxygen. Hence planting more trees only increases the oxygen and decreases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Try to either maintain a small garden or plant small saplings in your home wherever you have space.
2. Say No To Plastic
Plastic is generally non-biodegradable. Hence, they may take centuries to decay. This is due to the intermolecular bonds that constitute plastics, whose structure ensures that the plastic neither corrodes nor decomposes. Say no to plastic straws, bags and bottles. Instead, use cloth bags and paper straws.

3. Save Water
Don’t keep the water running and take shorter showers in the morning instead of wasting water on long showers.
4. Reuse And Recycle
Make sure to reuse products and recycle the rest. Donate toys and other household products instead of throwing it out. Separate your trash instead of dumping it all into one bag.
5. Use Environment-Friendly Products
Consume organic fruits and vegetables. Use light bulbs that take up lesser energy, and basically use more biodegradable products.

6. Cycle And Carpool
Ditch your car and cycle to work instead. If you can’t do that, at least carpool with other colleagues to save on gas.
7. Use Electronics Scarcely
Change of electronics every year causes a lot of E-waste. This could be avoided by purchasing lesser electronics annually.
So, as we said earlier, if all of us take these small steps, we can all make our planet a beautiful place to live in.
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