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“What I Was Selling As A Bollywood Girl Was Tits And Ass, Dumb Blonde” – Sameera Reddy

“What I Was Selling As A Bollywood Girl Was Tits And Ass, Dumb Blonde” – Sameera Reddy

Divya Rao

On this week’s episode of #TheGirlTribe, we had Sameera Reddy on the pink couch, and it was all kinds of special. Why? Because she brought her honest self forward and spoke with such abandon that I was left inspired after watching the episode. Sameera has been a successful actress and has worked with some of the best names in the industry. Forward to a couple of years later, she is now a proud mother to her baby boy Hans.

More on that later!

Obviously, being an actress is not easy. You have to always look your best because of the insane amounts of scrutiny on you, you have to keep up that façade wherever you go, and don’t even get me started on the false notions they are fed of what a good body should look like. Sameera opened up during this interview and said that to be an actress, you’re often expected to dumb down. “As a Bollywood girl, I was selling tits and ass, dumb blonde,” she said – the character of the damsel in distress isn’t just in the movies, they’re expected to play this in their real lives too to get more work.

Why are women always portrayed as creatures that need saving? Like they’re not good enough for themselves? Why does an intelligent woman suddenly intimidate people?

She also spoke about how she was body shamed right after the birth of her baby Hans. As if the amount of pressure put on them on-camera wasn’t enough, a lady in a park walked up to Sameera whilst she was walking with Hans, and told her she had become really fat, almost like she’d forgotten that Sameera had just given birth. This put her down instantly and she went into hiding for a year until she felt comfortable enough to come out in the open again.

And honestly, this isn’t the first time this is happening to her or to any woman out there. Watch the episode below to know more and trust me, you want to watch this one because she spoke about the things that matter.

About time we learned a thing or two from what she said and lived a life unfiltered, don’t you think? 🙂 Thank you for your honesty, Sameera.