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Here’s How You Can Equip Yourself To Help A Possibly Suicidal Friend

Here’s How You Can Equip Yourself To Help A Possibly Suicidal Friend

Prashansa Daniell

Each time we read about suicide in the newspaper, or hear about it on TV or even see an Instagram post related to the topic, we immediately think of how much that person needs to get help. And while that is every human’s natural response, I think it’s time we shift our perspective a little bit. It’s time we take on the responsibility to care for our friends in ways that we might think are small but make a huge difference to their well being.

The signs of a possibly suicidal friend or colleague will never hit you in the face. It’s their behavior, the subtle signs and irrelevant words they say that speak their truth. Suicides have only been increasing since 2000 and have gone up by a whopping 17 per day to 26 per day. Today, on Suicide Prevention Day we hope to help you shift your perspective and look at the other side. Stats show that suicide is the cause of one death every four minutes and that sends chills down our spine. Here are a few simple ways you can start the conversation with a person who is possibly suicidal.

  • Go beyond the “How are you’s?” and create a safe space for them to open up about their struggles.
  • Approach them with an open mind, without judgement or the intent to make a joke out of their situation.
  • Be there for them but also lead them on to professional help for their all-round development.

We’re in a world where suicide and the struggle that comes with it is looked upon as something to be ashamed of. So people all around continue to hide and harbour emotional and mental stress which makes their situation even worse. This innovative short film by The SPIF (Suicide Prevention India Foundation), #GiveSubtitlesToSuicide brings alive these very emotions with the use of subtitles. Trust us when we say that this film will open your eyes to a truth we so easily take for granted.

In order to combat this ongoing issue, World Health Organisation has recommended The Gatekeeper Program. This program seeks to help people equip themselves with skills and practical knowledge on how to identify suicidal tendencies, how to talk to people with depression and increase sensitivity towards mental health. If you’re looking to help someone in need you can sign up for the program here.

Do not be afraid to talk about mental health and the rampant need for it in our country. For the more we talk about, the more lives we’ll save. Always remember that #ItEndsWithMe.