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8 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Valentine’s Day If You’re Single

Karishma Govil

Today is Valentine’s Day! Supposedly the most romantic day of the year. We’re talking heart-shaped cookies, balloons, decorations and the whole nine! It’s a really nice day for couples in love. The ones who post cute pictures of them with their SO on social media. You’ll see all the restaurants fill up quickly with these romantic couples and to us, that’s sweet to watch. For some of us, however, it isn’t about love at all now, is it? We’re talking about the singletons of the world. Yup, being single on Valentine’s Day is like being a vegetarian at KFC. Basically, pretty pointless. We’re not saying it’s impossible to celebrate this, because there is totally a way you can enjoy it. And while there are things all the single peeps can do on V-Day that won’t make them regret being single, there are a few things one must definitely not do on this day. You don’t want to do these things and feel bad about not having a date on V-Day. So, if you’re single, and don’t have concrete plans for today, here are some things you should avoid doing.

1. Call Your Ex

Do not, we repeat, do NOT call your ex today. In fact, just stay away from them for a while. And while you’re at it, don’t go through your old pictures and texts with them as that’ll send you on a BT.

2. Third Wheel

Third wheeling is absolutely okay on any other day, TBH. We’ve all done it and it’s fine. But on Valentine’s Day, it’s best you leave the couple alone and give them their space. Also, you won’t like them being mushy in front of you, trust us.

3. Join A Dating App

Again, it’s fine to do it on any other day. But all you’ll find when you join the app today is creepy and desperate people who just want to go out on a date tonight.

4. Go On A Blind Date

We’re definitely not suggesting that blind dates are always bad. In fact, sometimes, you might have an unexpectedly good time! But on V-day, it’s possible you might find someone who just doesn’t want to be alone tonight and hence is taking the plunge of going on a blind date in the first place.

5. Head Out By Yourself

If you head out by yourself tonight, you’re gonna find yourself surrounded by cheesy couples holding hands and makin’ out right in front of ya! You don’t want to see that, do you?

6. Watch Rom-Coms

Watching rom-coms is going to make you want to go on a date, like RN! And if you don’t have one, you’re gonna rue the day you planned on watching a romantic movie tonight of all nights.

7. Guilt-Binge On Unhealthy Food

Honestly, you should avoid doing this any other day too. It’s never good to binge on junk food so, maybe switch to healthier options instead?

8. Social Stalk Peeps

Socially stalking anyone on V-Day is going to make you want to barf if you’re not a romantic person. And if you are one, then the FOMO will kick in real nice. So, basically, it’s a bad idea to see what everyone is up to today. Just leave social media alone for the day.

So, if you’re planning to stay in, it’s a good opportunity to host a house party. Surround yourself with the people you love and this day will just fly by!

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