OK, it isn’t Christmas just yet, but isn’t it the season of giving all year round? I get it. Your work schedule hardly permits a social life, so volunteering is door ki baat, huh? I beg to differ, dear reader. Giving ought to be a part of your lifestyle, regardless of how hectic it might get. Incorporating the habit of giving into your daily life can be beneficial, and help those in need, as well as help you do your part for the community. Thus, making you an overall better person. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean charity, but it encompasses a whole range of generous and kind deeds you can do for someone. Here are a few ideas to help you kick start your giving routine…
Giving Level: Basic Human Decency
1. Give Your Leftovers To Those In Need.
Yeah, typical Friday night shenanigans—you ordered way too much biryani that could probably last for three more meals. Now, as much as you hate to part ways with your beloved food, why not give some to your house help? Or the homeless man who resides on your street. Imagine how much they’d enjoy it.
2. Recycle.
Please tell me that you segregate dry and wet waste, and put plastics in a separate container? Cuz if you don’t, start now!

3. Give Up Your Seat In The Bus Or Train.
If you see a pregnant woman or an elderly person, please give up your seat! Nothing screams Giving! as this action.
4. Support Your Local Businesses.
Instead of splurging at H&M and Zara, why not go to the local tailor for a change and show him some designs you’d like to try out?
Giving Level: Modiji (And Your Mom) Will Be Proud
5. Donate Blood.
Join Facebook Groups around you that are specifically curated to source blood donations. Also, on Facebook, you have an option to be notified whenever someone in the area around you requires blood!

6. Volunteer On Weekends.
There are many NGOs such as Saturday Art Class, Teach For India, and more, that have weekend volunteering options for working professionals. Trust me, you’ll enjoy the precious time with children or the needy so much more than binge-watching TV shows.
7. Spring Cleaning All Year Round.
We all outgrow clothes, either in size or style. So, why not donate to a nearby orphanage instead of throwing them out? You’d make the kids so so happy!
Giving Level: Padma Bhushan Award Is All Yours
8. Sponsor A Child In A Village.
Save as little as ₹1,000 from your monthly budget, and spend it on educating a girl child. SOS Children’s Villages helps you sponsor children’s education and home. You’ll know how wonderful it feels when they send you pictures and letters from the children.

9. Create Your Own Legacy.
Start your own NGO or urge your coworkers to develop a food leftover scheme to donate to the needy. Anything helps, really. You’ll become a better person not only in the eyes of the community but also yourself!
10. Go Volunteer Abroad For A Month.
Habitat For Humanity, AIESEC are all organisations that can help you unlock this final level. You could either go build houses somewhere in India or even work on a plantation in Africa or South America! The options are endless, really. Also, it is a perfect sabbatical too, don’t you think?
11. Adopt, Don’t Shop.
Looking for a new furry best friend? Don’t shop or encourage breeding. Adopt your pet from animal shelters and give them a loving home instead.

How will you make the change towards becoming a better person and be more giving? Let me know in the comments!
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