Ever since I started working recently, I’ve realised that mistakes are a part of everybody’s work life. Regardless of how cautious you are, you are bound to slip up once in a while. And you know what, *news flash*, that’s alright! Curious to see if there are others with funny stories about their work mistakes, I took to Malini’s Girl Tribe on Facebook and asked the ladies there. Here are the funniest responses!
1. Absentmindedness
I messed up big time with a whole lot of seminars in various cities for my bosses. I booked the wrong month! Imagine travelling to Delhi and realising this. But the best part was, I was not reprimanded for it. They were so nice and dignified, and told me that this kind of thing happens. We are all human. And I will never forget this lesson in life.
2. Too Friendly, Too Soon
I chatted with a client named Gunjan by texting ‘darling’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘babe’ and ‘muahs’, and the client did not reciprocate. I called them only to realise Gunjan is guy and not a girl. My god, the embarrassement!
3. So Much For A Dirty Mind
At a team lunch, a girl sitting right across from me took a huge piece of pizza, and said innocently, “This is huge! How am I going to fit it into my mouth?” And my friends and I burst out laughing. The catch is, my boss’ boss’ boss was sitting right next to me and he turned red. Needless to say, we didn’t have a team lunch for the next three months.
4. An Impactful Email
At my first internship, I sent out an email to a bunch of people in the media industry for an event. Instead of BCC’ing, I had copied the addresses (about 200 in all) in the ‘To’ bar. The best part is, one year later, on my first day at another internship, while I was introducing myself, a journalist said: ‘Your name sounds familiar’. I said nonchalantly, ‘Oh, it’s a very common name.’ He proceeded to open his email, type my name in ‘Search’, and showed me my email. I almost died with embarassment!
5. Watch Out!
Once I was bitching about my boss to a colleague, and I suddenly realised he was standing right behind me. It was so embarrassing!
6. A Sleepy Conversation
I was once texting my client’s assistant for his flight seat confirmation and in the middle of the conversation I fell asleep. She was telling me what his preferred seat is. I suddenly woke up and told her that I’m a size 32. Super duper embarrassing if you ask me!
7. The Standard Response To A Thank You Message, Amirite?
Once I had a little argument with my boss and soon after she posted a long thank you message in our office WhatsApp group. Since I was mad at her, I typed “f*ck off” in that group and told my colleague that I wish I could reply this to her. My colleague hadn’t seen what I wrote and just clicked on the send button. So basically, I replied f*ck off to her thank you message. Needless to say, later I had to give a hundred excuses to justify my text.

Aren’t these stories downright hilarious? Tell us your funniest work mistake in the comments below!Don’t forget to follow @missmalinilifestyle on Instagram for cool updates!