Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas tied the knot last year and the entire globe took note of the grand celebrations. Such was the aura and charm of #NickYanka’s wedding. Everybody around the world was talking about it and it looked like one big fat Indian wedding. Now, after a year, when the lovebirds were celebrating their first anniversary together, we were super happy to see the pictures of them. While we still get over the pictures, the latest news is that the couple will be collaborating for the very first time on a professional level for an OTT show. Yes, you heard us right!
PeeCee and Nick will be coming together for an unscripted series for Amazon. Priyanka shared the post about the same on social media and announced the untitled project.
Check out the post:
The #SangeetProject does sound like a lot of fun! Apart from this, Priyanka was last seen in Shonali Bose‘s The Sky is Pink. The film also starred Farhan Akhtar, Zahira Wasim and Rohit Saraf, and was based on the life of Aisha Chaudhary.
Coming back to Nick and Priyanka’s first collaboration, we are so excited about this series and cannot wait to witness it.