Last evening, Alia Bhatt baked a cake with her fan for Anshula Kapoor‘s charity foundation, Fankind. They have joined hands with the World For All, an NGO that stands for the protection of stray animals. Honestly, not only is Alia cute as hell but the fact that she supports animal welfare just spiked the cookie bonus in her favour.
Ami Patel styled the Kalank actress in high-rise, slouchy jeans from Zara. These were paired with a ribbed, neon green, crop-top and the quirkiest white, smiley, denim jacket from Only India. I also really loved the casual knot on the crop top that added a fun twist to the look. If you have concerns about mixing your neons, you can always break the look as Alia did, using a denim jacket. The whole ensemble was finished off with neon orange, transparent heels from Public Desire that were the highlight of the look to me. This whole outfit can totally go from day to night and is perfect for those work events.
I love that Alia always nails the fresh face look best. Bushy brows and matte, pink lips really frame her face. Her blown-out hair with wavy ends with a cute clip on the left side really add that fun element to her look.
Fashion Trivia
The neon trend took form in the 1980s with music artists blowing up on our screens in bright pops of colours. MTV‘s animation also carried a lot of fluorescent colours. This trend was also heavily associated with gym gear and rave attire. In 2007, neon blew up again—as new rave electronic music gained momentum.
Tell us if you see the neon trend coming back and if Alia Bhatt nailed this look in the comments below.
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