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10 Popular Influencers Reveal Why They Love What They Do

10 Popular Influencers Reveal Why They Love What They Do

Kavisha Mody

In recent times, content creation is emerging as one of the most sought-after careers. A lot of people are trying their hand at it and hoping to make their mark in front of their audiences. To those who aren’t from the said field, being an influencer sounds like a glamorous job, however, it is so much more than that! It is not an easy job—it requires a lot of hard work, persistence, consistency and authentic ideas. Nevertheless, we have never come across a content creator who is unhappy with what they are doing. So, today on #GlobalInfluencerDay, we decided to ask our fave influencers why they love the kind of work they do and their answers melted our hearts. Here’s what they had to say!

Check it out:

1. Malini Agarwal

Boss lady, Malini Agarwal has achieved so much in her professional life! She started out as a blogger and today she has her own entertainment company. Here’s what she has to say about her work,

I love my job because it allows me the freedom to be exactly who I am. When I started my blog in 2008 we didn’t even use words like “influencers” or “creators” so it’s been quite a journey! I love that for me, no two days are alike and I get to be creative 24/7. Plus travelling the world, meeting such interesting people, playing dress-up and making beautiful memories, what’s not to love?!

2. Ranveer Allahbadia a.k.a BeerBiceps

Ranveer is a self-improvement content creator and we have always seen him encourage a positive outlook among people. Here’s why he loves his work so much,

The main reason I love my career as an influencer is that I get to express myself through my art, it’s like having an adult life where you get to like you know when you are a kid you like making a painting and showing it to the world, its the adult version of that life and you actually get a pedestal to express yourself. So that’s something you believe in very strongly there are people to listen there is a platform for you to share things with the world

3. Nikunj Lotia a.k.a Be YouNick

We all know and love Be YouNick purely because his content is so relatable and entertaining. We absolutely love what he had to say about his work,

I love my role as a creator as it allows me the complete freedom to be me, share a slice of my life, and my pursuit my passion of creating content for the world and bring a smile to some if not many.

4. Radhika Bangia

As a talented content creator and a phenomenal dancer, here’s what Radhika has to say,

I love being free from a 9 to 5 and I love the interactions I get to have with my audience. The support I get from my audience constantly motivates me to improve my creativity and content.

5. Mohammed Salim Khan a.k.a MSK

MSK is a pioneer in the motovlogging space and he has been religiously creating awesome content. Check out why he loves what he does so much,

Probably the most powerful thing about being a creator is the journey. I had started because I wanted to learn new things and grow as a filmmaker. I love it when I get to try new things & learn every day. I always strived to be the best version of myself and people getting influenced, the money and the fame followed.

6. Shalini Samuel a.k.a Knot Me Pretty

Shalini Samuel is an influencer who doesn’t need any introduction. She has been a hair and beauty blogger since many years now and here’s what she has to say,

My most loved part of what I do is bringing value into people’s lives. I love the feeling of knowing I’ve helped someone with my beauty videos. Also, the love you get in return for helping is priceless.

7. Nirmika Singh

Nirmika is a poet, journalist and entrepreneur and her career has been nothing short of phenomenal. This is what she had to say about her work,

There’s no such thing as an “influencer” and unlike popular beliefs, you are neither born one nor can train yourself to become an “influencer.” It’s actually the work we do that has the impact of potentially influencing people. As a poet and journalist, I know my voice reaches a lot of people and it’s my responsibility to amplify positivity and call out the negativity. What I love most about being an artist is that my art makes people believe that anything is possible and with hard work and talent, dreams really do come true.

8. The Sobo Guys

The Sobo Guys is a trio that includes Amaan, Armaan and Vivek. They are luxury and lifestyle influencers and here’s what they have to say about their work,

We love doing what we do because we feel that it defines us. It gives us freedom. It gives us an opportunity to explore and experience something new and at the same time, it helps us to guide or to educate or to share something that we’ve experienced with our lovely audience/society but most importantly; it gives us happiness.

9. Niharicka Singh a.k.a Captain Nick

Captain Nick is one of the most unique content creators we know. Check out what her take is on her career choice,

I love to create content because I really enjoy entertaining people and the fact itself that I can bring a smile on somebody’s face is really enticing and it motivates me more to create entertaining content for people.

10. Shlok Srivastava a.k.a Tech Burner

Shlok is a prominent tech influencer and we love how authentic and credible his content is. Here’s what he had to say,

I always believed in the power we have within us and how what we do and say can actually impact/ inspire the lives of others. On the other hand, there is the environment we live and work in, people we network with on a daily basis and our family and close friends that influence us. I believe this kind of influence is the most powerful marketing tool. I try making videos that are more like a casual conversation between two friends cracking jokes, having fun, and also discussing some technology or device. This way, I try to create a connection with my audience and in return provide value to viewers from all parts of society. Trust, authenticity and simplicity are what I believe keeps me going on a daily basis to create fun and informative content for my audience.

All of their answers are so heart-warming and we love how they aim to positively impact their fans and community. Today, people look up to influencers and respect their ideas because of the credibility they hold. So, on #GlobalInfluencerDay, let’s appreciate all the fabulous influencers we have around us and the effort they put in to entertain us and spreading awareness about what matters at all times.

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