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6 Steps To Creating Your 2021 Vision Board

6 Steps To Creating Your 2021 Vision Board

Suruchi Patwary

Let’s look back at the past few ‘New Years’. Each year starts with new hopes, new dreams, new plans, and the most seen—new resolutions! Like most years, unintentionally the consistency of practising these resolutions plummet while we sail through the first two months of the new year. What if we did something that helped us achieve our set goals quicker? We spoke to Kainaz Postwala, Co-Founder of White Light Elements to get some tips on how to achieve our goals and dreams and she recommended creating a vision board! A little bit of creativity with a little bit of fun—let’s see how to create and practise your 2021 vision board with Kainaz’s expert inputs!

1. Categorising Your Dreams

Dream Wheel by White Light Elements

Sit with a pen, a paper, your favourite milkshake, and put on your favourite music, Now, start jotting down what you expect from 2021 with regards to your goals and dreams. Categorise your dreams into personal and professional and further categorise them into career, financial abundance, relationships and family, and how you see yourself in 2021. Feel free to get your creative juices flowing while categorizing your aspirations!

2. Doodle/Draw/Write

Once you’ve categorised your dreams, it’s time to put life into them! Pull out your sketchbook, your favourite magazine, colours, and some cute stickers. Doodle, draw/paint or write your dreams down creatively onto the sketchbook, cut-out your artsy pieces and pin them up on the pin-board. Remember, using your own creativity puts soul into your dreams!

3. Create An Affirming & Visualising Routine

Affirmation Slab by White Light Elements

Give your vision board just 30 minutes out of your schedule every day to update it. You could do that by adding new goals, changing a few already existing goals, etc. And then, maintain an ‘Affirmation and Visualisation’ routine. For those who don’t know, affirmations are positive statements that are constantly repeated to attract miraculous results. Affirmations should always be in the present tense. For example, if your goal for 2021 is to be more kind, the affirmation for the goal should be “I am a kinder human being”. And visualisation is creating strong mental images of your aspirations. Now to visualise your goals—visualisation is creating strong mental images of your aspirations. Similar to affirmations, your visualisation should be in the present. Visualise your goals in such a way that you’re already living the dream.

4. Be In The Present & Stay Away From Fears And Doubts

Be aware of all the efforts you’re putting, the results you are yielding and never fear or doubt the process. The universe is watching over you and always has your back! Affirm and visualise with complete faith to attract miraculous outcomes.

5. Remind Yourself

Never let the goal board exit your boundaries of memory. Keep reminding yourself of your dreams and aspirations and work towards achieving them.

6. Appreciate What You Have

Gratitude Journal by White Light Elements

Pay your gratitude every morning and every night to what the universe has already provided you with, before requesting for more while visualizing. Gratitude is the best prayer that helps in manifesting your goals!

While we all wait and work for our dreams, let’s also never forget that happy people aren’t always grateful but grateful people are always happy! We wish everyone a 2021 vision board filled with positivity, happiness and may all our dreams come true!

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