Last year was undeniably all about skincare. With the world topsy turvy, many dealt with many unprecedented skin concerns. While we were stressed out so was our skin and for those of us working from home, there was no break from screen-time. This only created more buzz about blue light effects. Moreover, we created a new term for the most dominant skin concern worldwide; Maskne. Our sensitised skin really gave rise to self-care mentally and physically which really shaped the skincare trends last year.
One good thing to come from all this is the push for change and innovation in the industry. This year too continues to be a path for striving to look and feel beautiful without overwhelming our skin. While we might see some unpredictable trends emerge we sharing the top skincare trends to watch out for as the season’s turn. From minimalist regimens to personalized skincare there’s bound to be one trend that resonates with your personal philosophy.
Keep scrolling to check out the top skincare trends to have on your radar:
1. Skinminimalism
People continue to embrace their skins natural texture and wary of what products they’re using. Nobody’s got time to deal with a billion products and are adopting a more simplified streamlined skincare regime. It’s all about quality over quantity. Nourishing the skin is essential but we’re looking at doing so with fewer but more effective products.
2. Celebrity skincare
If you recall we did start off the year with the launch of Jennifer Lopez’s newest skincare brand. After the popularity of Kylie Skin and Rihanna’s surprise launch of her Fenty Skin range, many other celebrities seem to be following suit. Even Kris Jenner is rumoured to launching a line we presume will be targeted towards mature skin. Similar to the celebrity fragrance boom in the 2000s, the celebrity skin boom is only expected to continue.
3. Personalised skincare
Who doesn’t love a product that’s made just for them? Everyone desires to have more products tailored to their specific needs and concerns. This includes hair care and body products too! Due to this need, we have seen a few personalized skincare brands that have popped up internationally. This will continue to be popular as everyone craves a more personalised touch.
4. Blue-light protection
Blue light or HEV light as it’s scientifically known is emitted from literally all the tech we own. Computers, phone, TV screen and more emit blue light that’s not so great for our skin. With the increased screen exposure, everyone’s been getting during quarantine. These harmful rays can cause DNA damage and lead to hyperpigmentation in the long run. One thing to note though is that research on exactly how bad blue light could be for your skin is still very much ongoing. Although with the growing concern it has caused more and more brands to innovate products to tackle this issue.
5. Maskne treatments
We’re still going to be wearing our masks for a long time in the near future so unfortunately, maskne isn’t going anywhere. Add that with palpable stress and you’ve got yourself inflamed skin that can actually cause your complexion to age more rapidly. Yikes, no thanks! As this continues we see a huge surge of products with calming ingredients that claim to de-stress your skin going beyond the traditional acne treatments.
6. Skin Barrier-Supportive Ingredients
It’s all about gentle skincare and supporting your skin barrier by keeping it healthy and balanced. People are looking to give their skin some extra moisture and care, with that comes barrier repair creams. Look for replenishing ingredients such as lipids, vitamins, and even herbal extracts such as chamomile that soothe the skin. Even formulas with hydrating stars like hyaluronic acid are super helpful and can strengthen your skin’s first line of defence.
7. Hand care
Hand sanitisers have never been more important to our lives along with washing our hands often every single day. Of course, the downside to this was how drying and harsh it is on our hands. This presented the opportunity for more gently nourishing germ-fighting formulas which many brands delivered. More and more brands are finally catching up along with creating rich moisturizing hand creams and hand masks for softer skin sans fragrance and other potential irritants.
8. Hair and scalp health
Haircare has always been a crucial part of the skincare industry. Even now scalp health and hair growth solutions are huge. With fewer salon appointments and our hair falling from stress or other underlying issues, these products are more important than ever. From nutritional hair serums to supplements to organic DIY concoctions, everyone’s looking for at-home hair health solutions to rejuvenate their stressed-out strands and scalp.
How has your skincare routine changed since the pandemic? Let us know in the comments below.
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