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“Lead By Example, What You All Do Definitely Influences People”- Malini Agarwal On Social Responsibility Online

“Lead By Example, What You All Do Definitely Influences People”- Malini Agarwal On Social Responsibility Online

Kavisha Mody

In today’s day and time, influencers and content creators have a fan following of millions. What they do and how they behave creates a huge impact on people. Currently, all of us are in the midst of a terrible pandemic and following all Covid-19 norms is of utmost importance for everyone. However, sadly we see so many people breaking the guidelines and acting against the rules. This will only cause more problems and extended lockdowns! So, on the occasion of #WorldHealthDay, we decided to ask ace influencer, Malini Agarwal about her experience battling Covid-19 and how influencers should maintain social responsibility while creating content online. Let’s face it guys, influencers have a huge impact on people, so they should be socially responsible and encourage everyone to stay fit and healthy during these uncertain times.

Here’s what boss lady, Malini Agarwal thinks about the current situation…

1.  What according to you is social responsibility today?

I think now that social media has become our new virtual “reality” we as creators have to conduct ourselves as good role models – much like in the real world. Because the next generation is growing up on a diet of social media, just like generations before grew up on Television and pop culture. The impact is huge and long-lasting.

2. As an influencer, do you feel being socially responsible online is important? If yes, then why?

I think being socially responsible is important both on and offline. We just never made it part of our upbringing when it came to “online” because nobody quite knew what we were getting ourselves into. I think being socially responsible can mean many things, the most important of which is what kind of “influence” do you want to make on people? What kind if influencer do you want to be? If you want to be a “good influence” you have to hold yourself accountable for your social media behaviour and actions and be true to your audience.

3. Malini, could you share your experience on how you combated Covid-19?

We followed all the instructions of self-quarantine, checking our oxygen and temperature regularly, hydrating and loading up on vitamins and most importantly sleep! Luckily, I had a very mild almost asymptomatic case but it is still very important to take care of yourself because the fatigue can be quite overwhelming.

4. How according to you can creators and influencers encourage safety measures through their content?

First and foremost – lead by example. Wear a mask, follow the lockdown rules and regulations and wash your hands! By now we have all the information we need to make intelligent, informed decisions and what you all do will definitely influence the people who follow you. A lot of times people get their latest news and updates from creator handles so it’s important to be accurate, timely and never (even unknowingly) spread false information. Always check your sources.

5. While staying home, physical and mental health is also very important. What should one do to make sure they are happy and healthy even during these uncertain times?

Selfcare is so important, now more than ever. Aside from taking care of your physical body, you need to engage your mind through whatever makes you happy. Reading, watching Netflix, Zoom calls with friends and family. Whatever works for you is the right antidote, there are no wrong answers here. So, doesn’t feel obligated to do something just because other people are doing it, follow your own groove and trust your inside voice.

6. We are aware that you successfully combated Covid-19. In a time like this, how can one make sure their mental health doesn’t deteriorate?

For me, a huge boon was getting a puppy. Mylo is walking, talking, trotting entertainment 24/7! So that has been amazing. Aside from that, watching shows I love, reading, adult colouring books and making puzzles really make me happy! Of course, Zoom calls with friends is another great way to release stress and anxiety. Especially when you can’t see them in person.

7. Lastly, the effect of this pandemic is rampant and it’s true that creators have the capability to influence people to do the right thing. What pointers should a creator keep in mind while posting content online?

Most importantly, spread positivity and good vibes. A lot of people are turning to social media to relieve their lockdown anxiety. Be there for them. Definitely lead by example and show people how responsible you’re being. Fear tends to be a big trigger and very detrimental to everyone’s immunity so spread the word of caution but also how to deal with it if you contract the virus. Many creators and celebrities have been sharing their stories themselves and relating to those who are having the same experience.

Honestly, we completely agree with Malini! During the pandemic and otherwise, influencers hold the responsibility of encouraging responsible behaviour among people. This #WorldHealthDay let’s introspect and behave in a manner that doesn’t negatively affect our health or the health of people around us.

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