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Check-in With Yourself By Asking These 6 Questions

Check-in With Yourself By Asking These 6 Questions

Nelly Wadia

If you had to observe the workings of your day you’d realize that we spend almost half of our day outside of ourselves. We’re constantly in conversation with the people we work with, or the family we share space with or just the amount we engage on social media. We give so much of our energy to other people and things which would mean that our mental space is almost always occupied. But how much of our day do we use to focus on internalization.

Of course, we don’t think about ourselves at the end of our to-do lists but it is such an important part of human well-being. How else does one process everything in their mind without self-awareness? Just like we care about what we put in our body or we work out to stay in shape, our mind needs to be in shape too for us to live a balanced life.

You know when we go to therapy they often begin by saying we want to check in with you, so how are you doing? We often ask our friends and colleagues the same thing too. But do we really understand the implication of that statement? It means taking time out each day to find out how you’re really doing. Honestly, to put it simply it is just you assessing your emotions, your needs and how to move forward.

How do you check in with yourself?

  • Set aside time every day to check in with yourself by listening to your favourite music, dancing it out or just having a good think in the shower. I do my best thinking in the shower, something about warm water washing over me, cleansing my mind and soul that helps me answer these questions better.
  • Turn to your trusty notebook. Sometimes I’m able to accomplish more if I put pen to paper. It really allows me to use my undivided attention and focus on my feelings. Maybe you’ll have the same luck as I do with books.
  • Last but not the least, you can opt to sit in silence and meditate on all your thoughts and emotions that cross your mind.

Here are 6 questions you should be asking to check in with yourself:

1) How am I feeling?

An important question that will help you analyse your mood, you can even follow that up with a why. Finding out the how and the why will allow you to understand your triggers.

2) What is not working for me?

Figure out what you would like to change about your situation, are you really willing to make the change or does the thought of change make you uncomfortable? Figure out the way forward.

3) What is working for me?

This one is pretty straightforward but it allows you to be grateful for what you have in your life.

4) What do I need?

This also covers what you need from other people as well. And follow these needs up with action too.

5) What am I proud of?

No matter what be proud of yourself and how far you’ve come. It is an achievement in itself to want to check in with oneself. Feel free to list other accomplishments too.

6) What can I let go of?

Even if you figure out the answer to this, please try and understand that you will not be able to implement change overnight especially if emotions are attached. Give yourself time to let go of things.

When we work on mindful practices we often forget that checking in with oneself is one of the most important mindfulness practices. Some of the benefits of practising this on a day to day basis are being well-adjusted, self-aware, compassionate, reduced stress and anxiety. Do you need any more reasons to believe that this is an essential tool to expedite your inner growth?

What are some of the questions you use to check in with yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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