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9 Things I Do To Snap Out Of A Bad Mood

9 Things I Do To Snap Out Of A Bad Mood

Natasha Patel

You know that saying, “Oh she/he woke on the wrong side of the bed“… Well, that may be the case for most of us who either don’t get a good night’s sleep or when you get your period and those cramps just come at ‘ya, orrr when one tiny hiccup occurs in the day, it gets us in a funk and messes with our mood until we just want to explode, or worse spiral those feeling and thoughts into different areas of our mind and life—in short, not healthy! Nonetheless, I feel ‘ya and I know what it’s like to be off mood and just meh… So here are 9 tried and tested ways I manage to pick my self up, get back on track with my emotions in a healthy and positive way, ready to take on the next day!

1. Memes. Memes. Memes

Tried, tested, true and much needed for when you just need a mood uplifter. Whenever you’re in a funk the next time, just head over to Instagram, go straight to your favourite meme account/s and scroll away… A couple of minutes later, you’ll find yourself laughing and tagging your friends and you’ll automatically feel better.

2. Going for a walk

IMHO, there isn’t a problem a long walk can’t solve. The fresh air, body movement and the feeling of just being alone to process your thoughts along with some music or a podcast or while talking to a friend can help so much.

3. Bake cookies

Baking has really helped me relax off late. Whether it’s banana bread or cookies, not only will your house smell like a cafe but you’ll thoroughly enjoy being distracted and then eating that slice of heaven you just made.

4. Make a smol purchase

Always. Always. Works. The thrill of going on to your favourite website, adding that one item to cart and shipping it to your address to get a few days later is the only kind of joy I crave during the lockdown.

5. Call my BFF

Let it out, scream it out and vent it all out to your bestie. There are many advantages to this—one, you’ll be able to lay it all out including your feelings about the topic, and this will allow them to give you a new perspective on it all while being your biggest cheerleader in true BFF style.

6. Organise

Some people journal, I organise. A visually appealing room, kitchen, bathroom is just something that helps calm me. And while you do the deed, you can just play some of your fave tunes, with a glass of wine and just zone out and do your thing!

7. Spend time with my doggo

Instead of shaking it off, play it off! A game of tug, fetch and even taking some really cute videos of your dog sleeping can instantly make you feel better. You know what they say about a dog, he’s man’s best friend for life for a reason!

8. Long showers + perfect playlist

My longggg showers include, a hair wash, mask, dry brush, shave, bathe—the works. And what goes really well with this? A good, soothing playlist… the less words in the songs the better, ‘ya feel?

9. Self reflect

Ever since I can remember, I’ve practiced the art of the ‘five-by-five’ rule which is, self reflecting (while you take that long shower or walk or bake those cookies), that “if it’s not going to matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset about it”. And then I progress to gently remind myself that life’s too short, brain space is too little, so I rather put my mind and soul into things that matter!

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