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A 30-Day Challenge To Replenish Your Soul & Kick-start A Minimal Lifestyle

A 30-Day Challenge To Replenish Your Soul & Kick-start A Minimal Lifestyle

Nelly Wadia

I honestly feel like while the pandemic has destroyed many lives it’s also given us a lot of time to contemplate the life we live. Of course, when one has enough time to process things we see the error in our ways. I for one, am in the process of rectifying and becoming a better human. This is not something that I will accomplish overnight and I’m under no illusions that I might meet with some resistance from myself. And it’s not as if I’m a pro at understanding what it takes to live a minimal lifestyle. But I will put in the effort to research the subject.

Especially when you are used to living a certain way for so long. It doesn’t help the rest of the world is just as clueless as you. But what you can do is take baby steps to get on the minimal lifestyle journey. Of course, it takes having to do a ton of things to rewire the brain so here’s a 30-day challenge, that should help make this process easy. And to form a habit can take a lot of focus and understanding. So what are you waiting for? June is about to begin so this feels like a great time to get tackling.

Here are a few things you can do to live a better life and kick-start your minimal lifestyle journey:

1) Clean out your wardrobe.

2) Clean your handbag.

3) Throw out old socks.

4) Journal for 20 minutes.

5) Go makeup-free for a day.

6) Get rid of all digital devices.

7) Donate old books.

8) Meditate.

9) Write down your best qualities.

10) Write down a friend’s best qualities.

11) Create a relaxing space.

12) Make a gratitude log.

13) Evaluate your last few purchases.

14) Spend time with loved ones.

15) Empty out your wallet.

16) Turn your phone off for a while day.

17) Go one day without complaining.

18) Take a walk outdoors.

19) Deliberately leave your phone at home.

20) Go without shopping for 24 hours.

21) Say no to something.

22) Eliminate a toxic friend or family member.

23) Silence your notifications.

24) Prep your meals for the week.

25) Configure your to-do list.

26) Finish off all your left-over errands.

27) Comb through all your unused makeup.

28) Empty out that junk drawer.

29) Declutter your storage.

30) Clean your wardrobe again with fresh eyes.

What are some things you do to live a more minimal lifestyle? Let me know in the comments below.

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