If you’re a makeup junkie like me, you know how easy it is to end up accumulating a ton of bottles and skincare containers every other month. While it might be time to throw out those expired bronzers and pretty perfume bottles it’s too hard to truly let go at times. Of course, tossing expired makeup is necessary you don’t want to use anything that’s collecting bacteria, sometimes the packaging is just too pretty or a certain piece holds nostalgic value. What’s a girl to do? Well, we’re here to tell you just because it’s time to toss something out doesn’t always mean the container has to go too! Finding new uses can actually save you money! Moreover reutilising around the house can also help organize your collection plus not to forget it’s great for the environment! The less waste the better. Ready to get started? Time to clean up those containers and try these different Pinterest worthy ways to repurpose your old beauty products.
Keep scrolling to see how you can reuse old beauty containers:
1. Empty perfume bottles as a vase
Perfume bottles are tough to dispose of because they’re made of a special kind of glass that isn’t easy to recycle. Not to mention sometimes the packaging is so pretty you wish you could just keep it on your vanity. All you really need to do once you clean them up is transform them into a small vase! Use it to store your small flowers or even use it to diffuse essential oils. Fill the bottle with the oil and stick a few diffuser sticks in and et voila! Got a spray bottle? No problem! Dilute your essential oils with distilled water fill that bottle up and use that mixture to freshen up your linen.

2. Setting spray bottles
I never get rid of setting spray bottles or hairspray bottles because they’re super handy in a pinch for a multitude of things. Fill them up with water, toner or your own homemade concoction! You can even pour in special concentrated cleaning products that help around the house. Just remember to label each bottle so you know what you’ve repurposed it for to avoid any confusion.

3.Turn jars into plant pots
A lot of body creams or skincare products come in beautiful jars so pretty you just can’t get rid of them. Instead of letting them collect dust, use them as pots for your plants. Simply wash them out with warm water and soap to make sure that they’re free of any skincare product and free of labels. Then deposit the soil and water or just transfer your flowers or plant into its new pot. If you’ve got smaller jars, no worries, they also work great for succulents or plants with tiny roots.

4. Save jars for DIY products
If you do a lot of DIY mixtures like homemade face and hair masks, facial oils or even lip scrubs having an empty container is always handy. While these mixtures are usually short-lived for a few days you don’t want to go out to get a new bottle to store the excesss. Simply put them in your old jars or bottles to use for a few days.

5. Compact with mirrors
If you’ve got a powder compact with a mirror you can always just throw it into your purse as a touch-up mirror. Better than just that they’re perfect for storing hair elastics, pins, tiny earrings and mints. Basically perfect for organising any small loose knick-knacks and other tiny items in your bag so you can find them all in one place.

6. Turn old lip balms into a bobby pin case.
Don’t you just hate it when you’re bobby pins seem to always disappear or end up at the bottom of your purse? Recycling that old lip balm casing is just the trick you need. Clean out any remnants and wash it thoroughly, because you really don’t want that gunk in your hair. Then simply slip in your pins and store them for later!

7. Mascara wands into brow spoolies
Similar to the spoolies you use to brush your brows and lashes mascara wands work the same way. Just make sure to thoroughly clean and sanitize to get rid of bacteria or grime before putting them anywhere near your eye.

8. Create pre-soaked pads
If you’ve got a container big enough to fit cotton round, this is your opportunity to create pre-soaked cotton pads. Once your container is clean and dry, add in the cotton. Next, fill it up with your favourite toner or essence. Now you’ve made one step easier in your ten-step skincare routine, easy peasy! It’s especially great to throw in your bag when travelling or even on the plane.

9. Liquid eyeliner brush for nail art
You know the pot eyeliner brush you have? Don’t throw it out just yet. The thin and narrow brush is perfect if you ever wanted to try more precise nail art! Just make sure you wash the brush to get all the black eyeliner liquid out before using.

Do you reuse your empty beauty containers? Let us know how in the comments below.
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