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6 Simple Tips To Follow For Healthy Nails

6 Simple Tips To Follow For Healthy Nails

Pearl Academy

By Priyanka Nazareth

The nail art trend has really catapulted in the last few years and has made waves everywhere. From cute acrylics to tactile nail finishes and sword-like long nails, everyone who loves it has tried it at some point or another. Whether you’re DIY-ing simple styles at home or getting long talons at the salon. However, if you enjoy a getting good manicure very often chances are that through the constant process your nail bed could potentially get weak. Especially if proper nail care isn’t followed. It’s important to pay attention to your nail health too. Brittle or textured nail beds and easily breakable nails are all signs that your nails need a break and some extra TLC. Ahead we’ve listed out a few simple tips to best care for nails and keep them at optimal health.

1. Moisturise those fingers

Just like your skin, your nail beds need to be moisturised as well. So when applying lotion, spend a little extra time moisturizing your nails and hands. You can use petroleum jelly, essential oils, or your good old hand cream. The bottom line is to ensure the nails are always hydrated. The best time to do this process is at night because there will be no transfer of the oils to the things you touch and the nail bed will soak it all in.

Source: Shutterstock

2. Care for your cuticles

Fidgeting with your cuticles and tugging at them, especially in the opposite direction of their growth, is a bad idea. Abort mission! Instead, soak your nails in soapy, warm water to keep the cuticle soft and nails clean. Do this every other day for a few minutes and finish off by applying cuticle oil to help nourish them.

Beautiful hands and nails. Home manicure treatments, hand spa by Beautiful hands by Robert Przybysz | (Source: www.shutterstock.com)

3. Proper removal is key

Gel polishes and acrylic nails are everywhere and used more often than regular polishes and for good reason. While they’re pretty with a great finish they do also last a whole lot longer, so we get the appeal. However, they can be damaging to your original nail bed if the proper removal process is not followed. If the nail breaks or the nail polish chips do not, we repeat, do not peel it or remove it yourself. This will only end up peeling layers of the nail, ouch! So let them be and head to your salon and let the professionals handle it! If you find yourself in the middle of an emergency call your manicurist and ask for advice on how you can handle it at home.

Applying a brush on acrylic nails in the salon by Korvik | (Source: www.shutterstock.com)

4. Do not over buff

Filing and buffing your nails aren’t awful but good but balance is essential. Do not over buff your nails as they can strip away the essential protective surface layer of your nail. This makes them thinner and weaker. Plus, excess buffing leads to a lot of friction and ends up heating the nail bud. So keep the buffing in check and do it once or twice a month only. Invest in a good quality buffer but use it sparingly.

Woman Buffing Her Nails by Alena TS | www.shutterstock.com

5. Switch up your nail file

Metal nail files are prone to causing splits and cuts to the tips of your nails. This makes them break easily, so consider switching to a crystal or glass file. This will greatly reduce the chances of causing small tears and cuts to your nails.

Woman Using Metal Nail File by E_rik | www.shutterstock.com

6. Let them breathe

It might be tough to just let your nails be, but it’s essential to let them breathe from time to time. Take a break from the polishes and your salon appointments and let your natural nails shine. You might be itching for your nails to grow faster but be patient and keep a healthy diet. The focus should be on healthy and strong nail beds in the long run. Trim your nails and try to keep them short to ensure they have a strong foundation to grow from, and eventually, they’ll catch up at their own pace. And once again it bears repeating, don’t forget to keep them moisturized and hydrated.

Woman hands with beautiful manicure isolated on a white background by Africa Studio | www.shutterstock.com

Do you follow any specific steps for a healthy nail care routine? Let us know in the comments!

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