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Now Schedule And Set Reminders For Your Fave Creators’ Instagram Live

Now Schedule And Set Reminders For Your Fave Creators’ Instagram Live

Shivangi Sethi

Instagram recently introduced a new feature to schedule Livestreams for up to 90 days in advance. Yes, that’s right creators have been using this new feature and have been scheduling their Lives for a while now. And their fans have been setting reminders for the same. However, that’s not all Instagram has stepped up its Live game a notch higher by a new display of scheduled Live on creator profiles. Does this new update sound interesting to you? Then scroll down to know more about it!

We’re Live Now

1. Live Scheduling

Instagram’s Live scheduling feature is here! This tool helps raise awareness that is to promote, plan and prepare one for the upcoming Lives.

Here’s how to schedule an Instagram Live,

Step1: Open the Instagram stories and swipe over to the ‘Live’ tab on the side. select ‘schedule’ from the side panel.

Step 2: Enter your Live information: Video title, start date and time, and select ‘Schedule Live Video’

Step 3: Tap the three dots to choose to edit or ‘Share as Post’

2. Setting Live Reminders

While Live scheduling allows creators to build up the buzz about their upcoming Live, setting reminders will help you ensure that your movie night doesn’t clash with your fave creators’ Lives, hehe!

Here’s how to set a reminder for a scheduled Instagram Live,

Step 1: Open Instagram

Step 2: Go to the profile of a user who has scheduled a Live

Step 3: Tap on the ‘Live video’ banner located at the bottom of their bio. Tap on the Live you wish to receive a reminder for

Step4: This will open a popup with details of the selected Live, including its title, date, and time. Tap on the ‘Remind me’ button, voila you have set a reminder

At the moment Instagram has announced this feature but we cannot wait to try it out!

3. Scheduled Live To Display On User Profiles

This is an upcoming feature update that Instagram has announced and we honestly are quite excited about it. The new update will display the title, date, and time of your upcoming Scheduled Lives on your profile. And fans who visit your profile will now be able to easily sign up for reminders to all of your upcoming Scheduled Lives. So, get ready to use this amazing feature soon!

We hope you’re now updated with the new features that have been introduced and announced by Instagram. So, what are you all waiting for, try these amazing Live feature updates and start scheduling your Lives with reminders. On a side note, we hope all of you are staying safe while booking your vaccine slots! Also, don’t forget to follow @missmalinitrending to get all the latest updates.