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True Crime Documentaries And Docuseries That  Will Have You On Edge Throughout

True Crime Documentaries And Docuseries That  Will Have You On Edge Throughout

Sakshi Rawte

Lately, everyone seems to have jumped aboard the true-crime train. I’ve been a regular member of that train for a good decade. After all, there’s nothing more intriguing than a ghastly crime committed, amirite? All your dramatic murder mysteries are a great watch, I’m not gonna deny that. But there’s just something else about watching the story about a crime being committed no? 

If you asked me my idea of a perfect Friday night, it would defo be watching a riveting true crime documentary in bed with my cat. The reason why true crime documentaries reign supreme over fictional adaptations of crimes are that they give you an accurate account of everything that went down. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love watching the dramatized versions of crimes with my favourite celebrities starring in them. But what’s even better is watching the real characters of the story narrate the crime to you as they live and breathe. I mean, if there was a gruesome murder committed wouldn’t you want to hear about it from the witness of the crime rather than an actor? 

Being the true-crime connoisseur that I am, I’ve had the chance to watch almost every documentary out there. So here is a list of a few documentaries that will have you on edge throughout.

Jeffrey Epstein, Filthy Rich

If there was any scandal that rocked the entire world, it was the one involving Jeffrey Epstein, who is now a convicated sex offender. This docuseries follows exactly how Epstein abused his wealth and connections to exploit young women. It’s quite intriguing to see just how powerful and influential his connections were, with quite a few renowned names being brought up in this scandal. However, this could be a little triggering to watch if you’re a survivor/victim of sexual abuse. 

Making A Murderer

If nail-biting had a definition it would be the Making A Murderer series. This revolves around Steven Avery, who spent 20 years behind bars for a crime he didn’t commit. Could you imagine the grief and angst? It takes a riveting turn when he’s accused of murdering a 25-year-old photographer who was last seen on his property. With plenty of twists and turns, we promise you that you’ll be binge-watching this one if you haven’t already.

The Keepers

Docuseries and documentaries that showcase unsolved crimes are my guilty pleasure. The Keepers follows the unsolved murder of Sister Cathy Cesnik who was also a high school teacher. Conversations with students, colleagues, relatives and journalists lead us to believe that she was murdered because she spoke out and tried to protect her students against abuse. Keep your tissues close, cause this is definitely an emotional one.

House Of Secrets

I remember reading about the mysterious death of the Burari Family and genuinely being extremely dumbfounded at what could’ve been the reason. So naturally, when there was a docuseries created to get a deeper look at this confusing case that happened in India itself, it had to be on our watch list. It takes a deep dive into the doings of the Burari family and the characteristics of each member, which truly makes you ponder about a family committing suicide together. Or was it mass psychosis? Or murder? 

Our Father

Okay, I’m gonna be brutally honest with you. This one just creeped me out even though I was hooked on to it. It shows the story of the infamous fertility specialist, Dr Donald Cline and how obsessed he was with reproduction. This man was single-handedly responsible for fathering many babies without their mothers ever finding out. How do you wonder? Donor sperms are how. You will definitely find yourself gasping in shock almost every moment with this one.


Multilevel marketing schemes are always a scam. There are no ifs and buts about that at all. LulaRich follows the story of LuLaRoe, the billion-dollar clothing company that was accused of misleading all of its customers and siphoning off their money. Naive and innocent retailers had their vulnerabilities preyed on by this company and it’s absolutely heartbreaking to get a glimpse into that. 

Mommy Dead And Dearest

Something that gives me chills every time I hear about it is definitely the case of Gypsy Rose Blanchard and Dee Dee Blanchard. Dee Dee had Munchausen-by proxy Syndrome and was convinced that Gypsy was ill when she really wasn’t. All hell broke loose when Gypsy discovers the truth. This documentary covers everything that happened in this gruesome case.

Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

If there was a serial killer list, Ted Bundy maybe would’ve been at the top of that list. Convicted for the horrifying deaths of over 30 women, Ted Bundy was one of the most notorious serial killers to have ever existed. Conversations With A Serial Killer brings up old recordings of Ted Bundy while he was on death row and gives the watcher a glimpse into his cruel mind. 

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